Contoh Soal Asking, Giving, and Responding to Help and Offer in Written

Contoh Soal Asking, Giving, and Responding to Help and Offer in WrittenIn the previous topic we have learnt the difference between polite and casual expressions in offering and responding to help in our family. Then in this topic we will have broader setting. We will learn on how to write those kinds of expression in notes, letters, and emails not only in the setting of home/ family but also in a school life. However, before we learn about that let’s try to remember our previous topic. There we have learnt the use of different modal when expressing polite and casual questions to our family members. When we want to ask or request something in polite way especially when we talk to parents or adult people we have to start to use WOULD or COULD. Moreover, we can insert the word “please” after the Subject or at the end of the sentence to make the expression more polite. But if want to make it casual we just use WILL or CAN or MAY without inserting “please”. 
When we are at school sometimes we come to certain situation where we have to give written message to our best friend/ class mates/ school mates/ other school members. There are such situations like when you want to borrow your friend’s notes, remind your classmates for an OSIS meeting, ask your best friend to bring you something, order certain book for your project to your librarian, or when your friend ask your help or maybe offer you something. In these situations we use the same sentence pattern as we use in the previous topic but we will have more variation including positive and negative expressions. It will be discussed below, please see the following patterns.

Contoh Soal Asking, Giving, and Responding to Help and Offer in Written

In this exercise you will be given several situations under the circumstances of home and school life. Please make written expression according to each situation given!
The letter is for number 1 & 2.

The letter is for number 1 & 2.
The sentence that expresses an offer is ....

This letter is in the respond to the previous letter. Read to answer question 3-5.
The best respond to complete the sentence is ....

This letter is in the respond to the previous letter. Read to answer question 3-5.
The contextual expression to complete the sentence is ....

This letter is in the respond to the previous letter. Read to answer question 3-5.
In the description of this topic we have learn about the types of expression. So, if we look at the expression in number 4, it belongs to ....

This situation is for question number 6 & 7.
You are the captain of the class Science XIIA. Mr. Rahmadi, the science teacher, gave an assignment for your class and the file is on the flash disk. After you copied the assignment, you passed the flash disk to the next class and asked them to return it to teacher's desk at the teacher office.
The best note from the teacher is ....

This situation is for question number 6 & 7.
You are the captain of the class Science XIIA. Mr. Rahmadi, the science teacher, gave an assignment for your class and the file is on the flash disk. After you copied the assignment, you passed the flash disk to the next class and asked them to return it to teacher's desk at the teacher office.
The best note for the next class is.... ....

You are a group work at school and have to work online. Unfortunately the internet connection does not work. However, your laptop detects another available network. You know it is protected and belongs to someone
The message that you might say to him is ....

Your friend sent an email with link attachment on it. Sadly, the link is broken.
You can say the following expression, except

Situation A: Your neighbor, Mr. Bambang, gave his house key to you this morning and you put it on the kitchen’ desk.
Situation B: You will be home late this afternoon since you have a group work after school.
Situation C: You tell your little brother to give the key to Mrs. Bambang when she comes home.
The best note you can write to your brother is ....

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