Contoh Soal Listening ,Folksong and Folk Tales

Contoh Soal Listening ,Folksong and Folk TalesListening to folktales and folksongs are really good for us. Despite its interesting and fun plot, folktales contain valuable message which we can apply in our daily life. Morale value in life such as honesty, fairness, intelligence, faith, can be found in folktales. Folktales are passed on from one generation to another generation by word of mouth. Listening to folktales and folksongs sometimes can make us laugh for its funny plot or make us wonder for its interesting plot. However, every folksong and folktale surely has hidden wisdom for us to discover.


Watch another example of a folktale below
The video above is a story of a girl named Timun Mas, her mother, and a giant. From the story, we can get some hidden wisdoms. First, we should keep our promise. It is true that it is hard to give away a child, but you still need to keep our words. Do not promise anything that you think you cannot do. Timun Mas' mom did not think twice when the giant offered him the condition. She should not have agreed to give away her child to the giant. It is acceptable for the giant to ask for Timun Mas since her mom already agreed to do it. Second, whenever we want to give any help for other people, do it of one free will. Do not help people because you want something back from them. We can see from the story that Buto Ijo finally burnt to death because he helped Timun Mas's mom but wanted to take Timun Mas back when she was 17. The last one, by looking at Timun Mas`s struggle, we can see that we should fight hard to get what we want. We cannot give up for something that we deserve. Timun Mas fought Buto Ijo with everything she had. Even though she was a smallgirl, she was really brave to fight Buto Ijo.


To make us interested to listen to folktales and discover the morale value in them, people make folk-songs which songs based on traditional stories and usually passed on from parents to their children over a long period of time.
Listen to the example of folk-songs below.
The story is about a girl named Goldilocks and the three bears. The girl was not truthful. It caused problems to the baby bear. She ate the baby bear's porridge, broke baby bear's chair, and slept on baby bear's bed. Because Goldilocks was not being truthful, she was terrified and ran away right after the three bears came home. Form the folksong, we know that the message is that we should not use other people's things without permission. We should be truthful and helpful for other people. By looking at what the three bears did, we can also say that we should forgive other people`s mistakes.

Contoh Soal Listening ,Folksong and Folk Tales

A folk-song is ….
Click the picture above and watch the video.
The video is an example of ….
Below are examples of Indonesian folktales, except .…
The story is about ….
Anansi wanted to hide his gourd which is full with advices and wisdom ….
The message we can take from the story is….
From the story we know that Anansi means….
Below are characters of the story above, except.…
The one who brought up the earth is ….
After the little muskrat brought the earth up, it put the earth ….

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