Contoh Soal How to Write Analytical Texts

Contoh Soal How to Write Analytical TextsThis lesson will guide you to make a comprehensive analytical exposition essay. It will start with the definition and in step-by-step ways of writing an analytical exposition essay.

On Writing

A wise man says that to write is to live eternally.

True is that saying. People can leave behind many kinds of legacy, and writing is one of them. Writing is also a form of art many people nowadays seem to take for granted.
You can express your feelings, ideas, even your ideologies through writing. Unfortunately, writing somehow is seen as a difficult thing to do, while, to put it simply, you only have to think, play with words, and pour it all in written form.
On Writing An Analytical Exposition Essay
As you have learned in school as well as in Quipper online school, an analytical exposition essay is a kind of text that presents arguments in order to give an explanation regarding a problem or an issue; the social function is to influence the readers that the case presented is an important matter. This kind of essay has some qualities to be fulfilled. It has to have the thesis, argument, and reiteration.

Try it!

This lesson will guide you to write an analytical exposition essay. For writing is not a one-time-done job, there are several steps you ought to follow. It will be divided into three parts: pre-writing, writing, and post-writing.
  • In pre-writing stage, you need to pick your topic, arrange your ideas of it, jot down a thesis statement and a topic sentence for each one of the ideas, and also decide the order in which you’d like to present them. For instance, we are going to persuade readers to use public transportation more often by proposing that it is a must to use public transportation. We will also propose some arguments such as its importance in decreasing the traffic problem, the contribution to the good of society, and the social relationship we can develop by doing so.
  • In writing stage, from what we have prepared earlier, we can start arranging the words in structure. Starting with the thesis that captures the readers’ interest, the paragraphs in which you present your arguments, and the reiteration to restate and conclude your thesis. In doing so, you ought to use the present tense as if it is a general truth, use some conjunctions to make it easy to read, and such. After finishing your writing stage, it might appear like this:
  • In post-writing stage, you need to recheck your writing, crosscheck to your peers, and so on in order to make sure that your writing is comprehensive enough and is ready to publish. You are also welcome to revise and add more perspectives in the example of an essay above.

Contoh Soal How to Write Analytical Texts

Which one is NOT the function of an analytical exposition essay? Choose the right answer.
The social function of an analytical exposition essay is ....
In an analytical essay, the structure that appears is ...
What do you have to do before the writing stage? Choose the right answer below ....
After the writing stage, you have to ....
Look at the text below to answer question 6-7.
A culture of using public transportation as a solution in decreasing the growing traffic problems in big cities is a really essential way to do. Besides that, there are also (6) ... benefits people can get by using public transportation.
The suitable word to fill the blank is ....
Look at the text below to answer question 6-7.
A culture of using public transportation as a solution in decreasing the growing traffic problems in big cities is a really essential way to do. Besides that, there are also (6) ... benefits people can get by using public transportation.
The main idea of this thesis is ....
Look at the text below to answer question 8-9.
There are three major reasons why it is a necessary act to do. First, the extensive use of (8) ... cars is the main cause of the growing traffic in big cities, no objection. Second, the government has been trying to make the public transportation better, now it is our turn to give back the favor; the more we use it, the more money the government can get to improve the quality as well as the number of public transportation vehicles. We must also help observing its financial management to avoid calamities. The last but not the least, related with the rapid development of technology that make people grow farther each passing day, using public transportation is a good way re-enact the long-lost warm and nice social relationship, even by starting with simple greetings every time we meet people in public transportation.
Choose the best word to fill in the blank number 8.
Look at the text below to answer question 8-9.
There are three major reasons why it is a necessary act to do. First, the extensive use of (8) ... cars is the main cause of the growing traffic in big cities, no objection. Second, the government has been trying to make the public transportation better, now it is our turn to give back the favor; the more we use it, the more money the government can get to improve the quality as well as the number of public transportation vehicles. We must also help observing its financial management to avoid calamities. The last but not the least, related with the rapid development of technology that make people grow farther each passing day, using public transportation is a good way re-enact the long-lost warm and nice social relationship, even by starting with simple greetings every time we meet people in public transportation.
Which one is the social benefit of using public transportation? Choose the right answer.

The rapid development of technology that make people grow farther each passing day.

The sentence above means ....

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