Contoh Soal Grammar Review , Conjuctions and Linking Words
Contoh Soal Grammar Review , Conjuctions and Linking Words - In this lesson, you are going to learn about conjunctions and linking words. Conjunctions and linking words basically have the same function. They exist to connect thoughts or ideas. So, what is the difference? You will find it in the following explanation.
Conjunctions are the words that join parts of a sentence. It joins words or phrases together in one sentence, for instance:
- Tantri wants to play for the regional competition, but she has trouble meeting the academic requirements.
- The snow melted because the sun came out.
Coordinating Conjunctions
Coordinating conjunctions are used to join two words or clauses in a sentence, that are grammatically equal. The words that belong to coordinating conjunctions are ‘and, but, for, nor, or, so, yet.’ It may help you to remember that coordinating conjunctions are usually shorter than four words. To make it easier, just remember coordinating conjunctions as
Coordinating conjunctions are used to join two words or clauses in a sentence, that are grammatically equal. The words that belong to coordinating conjunctions are ‘and, but, for, nor, or, so, yet.’ It may help you to remember that coordinating conjunctions are usually shorter than four words. To make it easier, just remember coordinating conjunctions as
FANBOYS (For And Nor But Or Yet So).
- How do you manage your time between work and family?
- People complain loudly about the traffic jam, yet they drive their own car every day.
- He thinks he will be promoted as a general manager, for his father is on the company’s board of director.
Subordinating Conjunctions
Subordinating conjunctions have the function to join the dependent clause to the main clause. This will allow the writer to emphasis on the idea that is more important. Subordinating conjunctions will show you which idea is more important and which is less important, for instance:
- The tension between China and USA began to ease after the two parties signed the agreement.
- I could study in Europe if I got the scholarship.
The underlined clause, the clause with the subordinating conjunction, is called subordinate clause. This clause is dependent to the main clause, which is the clause without the subordinating conjunction, and this is the less important one. The more important idea is shown in the main clause or the independent clause. So, in the examples above, which clause is more important?

c. Correlative Conjunctions
This type of conjunctions should combine themselves with other words. They should always be together to join various parts of a sentence. In the following table is the list of correlative conjunctions.
This type of conjunctions should combine themselves with other words. They should always be together to join various parts of a sentence. In the following table is the list of correlative conjunctions.

- It doesn’t matter whether you win this competition or lose it, as long as you do your best.
- The smoke of the cigarette endangers not only yourself, but also those around you.
- It doesn’t matter whether you win this competition or lose it, as long as you do your best.
- The smoke of the cigarette endangers not only yourself, but also those around you.

There is more than 2000 hectare of land in town. The government could make public open space, they could sell the land to the property developer. The choice is not ours. We just hope that the government would consider what is best for the people and the environment.
The underlined sentences can be joined using one of these words ….
Culture has an important role in foreign language teaching. Linguists and anthropologists have long recognized that cultural values of a society can be reflected in its language. .... the language signifies the cultural context in which it is used. It is inevitable to learn the culture underlying the language being learned.
The suitable word to complete the sentence is ….
The text is for question 3 and 4.
The leader’s effectiveness is said to be affected by how and why the leader was selected. Addison (1996) suggests that if a leader is elected through a democratic election, the working relationship with the team members is likely more effective. However, Smith (1996) asserts that more than 60% of 500 respondents (work teams) work with team leaders who are chosen by the upper management. Furthermore, more than half of the leaders chosen said that they did not have the confidence of their team members.
There are ... conjunctions and linking words in the text.
The text is for question 3 and 4.
The leader’s effectiveness is said to be affected by how and why the leader was selected. Addison (1996) suggests that if a leader is elected through a democratic election, the working relationship with the team members is likely more effective. However, Smith (1996) asserts that more than 60% of 500 respondents (work teams) work with team leaders who are chosen by the upper management. Furthermore, more than half of the leaders chosen said that they did not have the confidence of their team members.
The word ‘furthermore’ in the text explains ….
One of the following statements uses INCORRECT conjunction/linking word….
Read the following sentence carefully.
He went swimming even though the weather is bitterly cold.
The main clause is ….
The text is for question 7 and 8.
Culture has an important role in foreign language teaching. (1) Linguists and anthropologists have long recognized that cultural values of a society can be reflected in its language. (2) Since the language signifies the cultural context in which it is used, it is inevitable to learn the culture underlying the language being learned.
(3) Furthermore, speaking in a foreign language without understanding its culture could cause the appropriateness of cultural norms to be violated and it will lead to communication failure and also stereotyping (Thomas, 1983 cited in Hinkel, 1999). (4) Thus, cultural learning is considered as an important element in language teaching (Hadley, 2001). (5) In the process of foreign language teaching, culture can be communicated through the teaching material, including textbooks (McGrath, 2002). In this case, textbook also becomes an essential part in English language teaching but it could be the resource of cultural content.
(3) Furthermore, speaking in a foreign language without understanding its culture could cause the appropriateness of cultural norms to be violated and it will lead to communication failure and also stereotyping (Thomas, 1983 cited in Hinkel, 1999). (4) Thus, cultural learning is considered as an important element in language teaching (Hadley, 2001). (5) In the process of foreign language teaching, culture can be communicated through the teaching material, including textbooks (McGrath, 2002). In this case, textbook also becomes an essential part in English language teaching but it could be the resource of cultural content.
Find out the conjuction / linking word error in the text ….
The text is for question 7 and 8.
Culture has an important role in foreign language teaching. (1) Linguists and anthropologists have long recognized that cultural values of a society can be reflected in its language. (2) Since the language signifies the cultural context in which it is used, it is inevitable to learn the culture underlying the language being learned.
(3) Furthermore, speaking in a foreign language without understanding its culture could cause the appropriateness of cultural norms to be violated and it will lead to communication failure and also stereotyping (Thomas, 1983 cited in Hinkel, 1999). (4) Thus, cultural learning is considered as an important element in language teaching (Hadley, 2001). (5) In the process of foreign language teaching, culture can be communicated through the teaching material, including textbooks (McGrath, 2002). In this case, textbook also becomes an essential part in English language teaching but it could be the resource of cultural content.
(3) Furthermore, speaking in a foreign language without understanding its culture could cause the appropriateness of cultural norms to be violated and it will lead to communication failure and also stereotyping (Thomas, 1983 cited in Hinkel, 1999). (4) Thus, cultural learning is considered as an important element in language teaching (Hadley, 2001). (5) In the process of foreign language teaching, culture can be communicated through the teaching material, including textbooks (McGrath, 2002). In this case, textbook also becomes an essential part in English language teaching but it could be the resource of cultural content.
The sentence that indicates sequence is ….
Join the following clauses into a correct sentence.
- Sheila does not know what happened
- Joni does not know about what happened as well
The correct combination is ....
- by – last – reduced – , – the – year – we – percent – ten – prices
- sales – as – last – year – result – a – , – years – for – the – previous – three – exceeded – total – the
The correct arrangement is ….