Contoh Soal Grammar Focus, Reported Speech
Contoh Soal Grammar Focus, Reported Speech - Reported speech is commonly used in spoken text/ conversation. In daily settings we can find people do this reported speech when they want to share information to friends, families or the other without changing the exact meaning (Not the exact words since the tense may slightly vary). This is why reported speech is also known as ‘Indirect speech’.
The idea of reported speech is similar to the situation when you receive a message or information from somebody then, you tell someone else about it. The channel of information goes from the person telling the information to you, yourself, the person hearing the information from you. In that case you are the 2nd speaker and the other person whom you share the information with is the 3rd speaker. See the illustration below!

The difference between direct speech and reported speech is on the use of the original words from the 1st speaker. In direct speech we repeat the original 1st speaker exact words but in reported speech we say the exact meaning without using the 1st speaker original words, or called reporting. The consequence of reporting what you hear from someone to someonelse is the changes in tenses, especially when we turn direct speech into reported speech. See the table below!

Read the text and complete the sentences using reported speech!
My brother asked me if I could do a favor for him. He asked me, “Please buy a one way ticket to Jakarta; choose the evening flight”. He gave me some money and I took my motorcycle to the ticket agent. When I arrived at the ticket counter I picked the flight schedule, paid some money and went to the parking lot to take my motorcycle. There I meet a friend of mine, Siska. She smiled at me and said, “Hey, Andi what are you doing here?” I said to her that (1) I .... .While running and she said, “I am in a hurry.”
When I came home and looked for my brother, I met him in the living room. I gave the ticket to him, “This is your ticket’, I said. He received it, said thank you and read it. Within a second, he smiled at looked me curiously. I knew it must be something. “What destination I told you to buy?” asked him. I told him that he asked me (2) .... “Yes you know it”, he said. But why did you buy a ticket from Jakarta to Jogja not Jogja to Jakarta. Ohh my God, “I ordered the wrong ticket,” I said. Suddenly my father came, “What happens?” asked father. My brother said to my father that I made a mistake when ordering the ticket. He told him that I (3) .... Then my father called the customer service to change the ticket.
When I came home and looked for my brother, I met him in the living room. I gave the ticket to him, “This is your ticket’, I said. He received it, said thank you and read it. Within a second, he smiled at looked me curiously. I knew it must be something. “What destination I told you to buy?” asked him. I told him that he asked me (2) .... “Yes you know it”, he said. But why did you buy a ticket from Jakarta to Jogja not Jogja to Jakarta. Ohh my God, “I ordered the wrong ticket,” I said. Suddenly my father came, “What happens?” asked father. My brother said to my father that I made a mistake when ordering the ticket. He told him that I (3) .... Then my father called the customer service to change the ticket.
The most appropriate sentence to fill number 3 is ....
What was Siska said to you? (1st paragraph, last sentence)
Choose the correct reported speech from the following options ....
Choose the correct reported speech from the following options ....
Text for number 5-8
One day, a fisherman was busy netting for shrimps and fish in the river. That day was his lucky day. He got a bucketful of shrimps. Satisfied with his catch he walked home along the river bank. After walking for a while he saw a big fish trapped in a plastic bag near the river bank. It was a red carp. The fisherman thought it was another good luck. He said, “I had an easy catch”. He put his bucket and net then rushed into the water. He grabbed the red carp happily. Suddenly the carp talked to him; she said, “You caught fish for a living.” Then she talked again, “Did you still want to get fish from this river every day?” The fisherman answered, “Yes, I would do anything for that”. “You had to clean the river from plastics garbage”, replied the carp. Then she told the fisherman what might happen if the river was full of rubbish. All the fish would disappear forever because they couldn’t reproduce in dirty water. No more fish for the next generation. The river would be no more than dirty and stingy water. The fisherman knew what he would do. While releasing the carp into the water he said, “I would take plastic out of the river.”
What was the fisherman thought when seeing the trapped carp in the plastic bag?
He thought that ....
He thought that ....
Text for number 5-8
One day, a fisherman was busy netting for shrimps and fish in the river. That day was his lucky day. He got a bucketful of shrimps. Satisfied with his catch he walked home along the river bank. After walking for a while he saw a big fish trapped in a plastic bag near the river bank. It was a red carp. The fisherman thought it was another good luck. He said, “I had an easy catch”. He put his bucket and net then rushed into the water. He grabbed the red carp happily. Suddenly the carp talked to him; she said, “You caught fish for a living.” Then she talked again, “Did you still want to get fish from this river every day?” The fisherman answered, “Yes, I would do anything for that”. “You had to clean the river from plastics garbage”, replied the carp. Then she told the fisherman what might happen if the river was full of rubbish. All the fish would disappear forever because they couldn’t reproduce in dirty water. No more fish for the next generation. The river would be no more than dirty and stingy water. The fisherman knew what he would do. While releasing the carp into the water he said, “I would take plastic out of the river.”
The carp said something about the fisherman’s life: ....
Text for number 5-8
One day, a fisherman was busy netting for shrimps and fish in the river. That day was his lucky day. He got a bucketful of shrimps. Satisfied with his catch he walked home along the river bank. After walking for a while he saw a big fish trapped in a plastic bag near the river bank. It was a red carp. The fisherman thought it was another good luck. He said, “I had an easy catch”. He put his bucket and net then rushed into the water. He grabbed the red carp happily. Suddenly the carp talked to him; she said, “You caught fish for a living.” Then she talked again, “Did you still want to get fish from this river every day?” The fisherman answered, “Yes, I would do anything for that”. “You had to clean the river from plastics garbage”, replied the carp. Then she told the fisherman what might happen if the river was full of rubbish. All the fish would disappear forever because they couldn’t reproduce in dirty water. No more fish for the next generation. The river would be no more than dirty and stingy water. The fisherman knew what he would do. While releasing the carp into the water he said, “I would take plastic out of the river.”
The fisherman promised to do something, i.e. ....
Text for number 5-8
One day, a fisherman was busy netting for shrimps and fish in the river. That day was his lucky day. He got a bucketful of shrimps. Satisfied with his catch he walked home along the river bank. After walking for a while he saw a big fish trapped in a plastic bag near the river bank. It was a red carp. The fisherman thought it was another good luck. He said, “I had an easy catch”. He put his bucket and net then rushed into the water. He grabbed the red carp happily. Suddenly the carp talked to him; she said, “You caught fish for a living.” Then she talked again, “Did you still want to get fish from this river every day?” The fisherman answered, “Yes, I would do anything for that”. “You had to clean the river from plastics garbage”, replied the carp. Then she told the fisherman what might happen if the river was full of rubbish. All the fish would disappear forever because they couldn’t reproduce in dirty water. No more fish for the next generation. The river would be no more than dirty and stingy water. The fisherman knew what he would do. While releasing the carp into the water he said, “I would take plastic out of the river.”
According to the carp, why did the river would have no life in the future if the fisherman didn’t do something? It is because ....
Mom : Eat your breakfast and drink the milk, Donny.
Donny : Okay mom
You : Did you hear what Mom said to you, Little Brother?
Donny : Yes, ....
Donny : Okay mom
You : Did you hear what Mom said to you, Little Brother?
Donny : Yes, ....
The right sentence to complete the sentence is ....
Flo is in the post office. This is her first time of visiting the post office. She wants to send a parcel for her aunty.
Staff : Good afternoon, how can I help you?
Flo : Ough, thank you. I want to send this parcel to Surabaya.
Staff : May I have the parcel please? I have to measure the weight.
Flo : Here you are (She gives the parcel to the security)
Staff : Three kilograms (the staff reported to the cashier, then he moves away to help another customer)
Flo : Excuse me Sir, how much does he say?
Cashier : ....
Flo : Ough, thank you. I want to send this parcel to Surabaya.
Staff : May I have the parcel please? I have to measure the weight.
Flo : Here you are (She gives the parcel to the security)
Staff : Three kilograms (the staff reported to the cashier, then he moves away to help another customer)
Flo : Excuse me Sir, how much does he say?
Cashier : ....
The correct reported speech to complete the above conversation is ....