Contoh Soal Functional Text Review , Generic Structure and Characteristics
Contoh Soal Functional Text Review , Generic Structure and Characteristics - A functional text is a text to help the readers/listeners accomplish their everyday tasks. This text is called a functional text because a functional text is used as daily information that helps the readers/listeners to function in their daily life.For example, if I want to make a pudding, I would read a recipe on how to make a pudding. If I wanted to know my friends’ email, I would look in a phone book. If I would have a TOEFL test, I would have to read the directions.

The following are the examples of functional texts:
- Advertisements.
- Short messages.
- Greeting cards.
- Cautions.
- Invitation cards.
- Postcards.
- Announcements.
- Shopping lists.
- Food labels.
- Recipes.
The function of an announcement text is to provide complete and clear information about certain occasions or events.
The following are characteristics of an announcement text:
- Making the readers/listeners easier to get information quickly.
- Short, inviting and to the point.
- Clear and complete.
- Urgent, emergency notification: direct.
The following is the example of a verbal announcement text:
(On the speaker):
Good morning students. Tomorrow, 10th June 2015, intracurricular activities will be off due to an inspection from the local education department to supervise school’s administration. The learning activities will start again as usual on the following day, 11th of June 2015. Thank you.
Good morning students. Tomorrow, 10th June 2015, intracurricular activities will be off due to an inspection from the local education department to supervise school’s administration. The learning activities will start again as usual on the following day, 11th of June 2015. Thank you.
Invitation Cards
The function of an invitation card is to invite someone to attend a particular occasion such as birthday party or wedding party.
The following are the structures of an invitation card:
- The addressee (the person who is invited).
- Salutation.
- The messages (content).
- The sender.
The following are some characteristics of an invitation card:
- Having an accurate addressee.
- Having exact and clear time, place, and activity.
- Giving sufficient information about the one who invite the invited person.
- Expressing that the sender is looking forward to seeing the invited person.
The following is an example of an invitation card:

The following are the function of notices/guidance:
1. Prohibition on something that notifies people not to do something. This kind of prohibition might be found in public places.
2. Warning or cautions which warn people to be careful in handling something.
3. Guidance that give information to people to do something appropriately.
4. The informational notices/guidance that provide information. That information might be useful for people.
1. Prohibition on something that notifies people not to do something. This kind of prohibition might be found in public places.
2. Warning or cautions which warn people to be careful in handling something.
3. Guidance that give information to people to do something appropriately.
4. The informational notices/guidance that provide information. That information might be useful for people.
The following is the example of a notice:

Short Message
The function of a short message is to send an important and urgent message to a particular people. The following are some characteristics of a short message:
1. Having clear addressee (someone who receives the message).
2. Straight forward (straight to the point).
3. If the short message contains instruction, the instruction is stated clearly.
1. Having clear addressee (someone who receives the message).
2. Straight forward (straight to the point).
3. If the short message contains instruction, the instruction is stated clearly.
The following is the example of a short message:

Pay attention to the following text and answer the question number 1 - 3.
Dear, William.
We would like to invite you to our engagement day.
When : June 21st 2015 / 7 p.m – 9 p.m
Where : Ballroom Sol Elite Marbela Hotel Anyer – Banten. Anyer Baru Street no.10
What to use : White or red.
Where : Ballroom Sol Elite Marbela Hotel Anyer – Banten. Anyer Baru Street no.10
What to use : White or red.
We would be very delighted if you attend our invitation!
Tegar & Lina
Tegar & Lina
The text above is a/an ....
Pay attention to the following text and answer the question number 1 - 3.
Dear, William.
We would like to invite you to our engagement day.
When : June 21st 2015 / 7 p.m – 9 p.m
Where : Ballroom Sol Elite Marbela Hotel Anyer – Banten. Anyer Baru Street no.10
What to use : White or red.
Where : Ballroom Sol Elite Marbela Hotel Anyer – Banten. Anyer Baru Street no.10
What to use : White or red.
We would be very delighted if you attend our invitation!
Tegar & Lina
Tegar & Lina
From the invitation card above, the occasion that will be celebrated is ....
Pay attention to the following text and answer the question number 1 - 3.
Dear, William.
We would like to invite you to our engagement day.
When : June 21st 2015 / 7 p.m – 9 p.m
Where : Ballroom Sol Elite Marbela Hotel Anyer – Banten. Anyer Baru Street no.10
What to use : White or red.
Where : Ballroom Sol Elite Marbela Hotel Anyer – Banten. Anyer Baru Street no.10
What to use : White or red.
We would be very delighted if you attend our invitation!
Tegar & Lina
Tegar & Lina
The following dress codes are that will be allowed, EXCEPT ....

The type of functional text above is ....

The following is correct based on the above text ....
Pay attention to the following text and answer question number 6-8.
Internal memo
To: Ms. Ana
From: Tiara
Subject: Take the materials for meeting from the copy center
To: Ms. Ana
From: Tiara
Subject: Take the materials for meeting from the copy center
Please take the materials for tomorrow’s meeting from the copy center at four p.m. I have to leave soon today because my daughter is sick so I got to go home soon.
Thank you.
The type of functional text above is ....
Pay attention to the following text and answer question number 6-8.
Internal memo
To: Ms. Ana
From: Tiara
Subject: Take the materials for meeting from the copy center
To: Ms. Ana
From: Tiara
Subject: Take the materials for meeting from the copy center
Please take the materials for tomorrow’s meeting from the copy center at four p.m. I have to leave soon today because my daughter is sick so I got to go home soon.
Thank you.
The following statement is correct based on the text....
Pay attention to the following text and answer question number 6-8.
Internal memo
To: Ms. Ana
From: Tiara
Subject: Take the materials for meeting from the copy center
To: Ms. Ana
From: Tiara
Subject: Take the materials for meeting from the copy center
Please take the materials for tomorrow’s meeting from the copy center at four p.m. I have to leave soon today because my daughter is sick so I got to go home soon.
Thank you.
The content of the above text is ....
Pay attention to the following texts and answer question number 9 and 10.

If you want to send an important message to someone to do something & if you want to make a toast respectively, you will use....
Pay attention to the following texts and answer question number 9 and 10.

The following is notice and invitation card respectively.