Contoh Soal Writing an announcement

Contoh Soal Writing an announcementDESCRIPTION: Analyzing social functions, text structure, and linguistic elements in a simple recount text about experiences / events / events, according to the context of its use.
Objective: In this topic, you will learn to write text notification (announcement) having regard to the purpose, text structure, and linguistic elements, correctly and in accordance with the context and by taking into account and simply by paying attention to the social function, the structure of the text, and linguistic elements are correct and appropriate context.

If we consider, in public places such as schools, hospitals, banks, etc., there is a label whose meaning can be either instructions or orders, or event announcements. In learning English, labels, notices (calls) and the announcement of the entry into the category of short functional text. Well, we will take you in a short package but also brings your reading comprehension and competence to produce a text. 
There competencies Necessary support user-controlled learning materials in addition to the subject matter of the short functional text itself. Linguistic competence, discourse competence forming, is two examples of competencies that are needed to control the text that is being discussed. Thus, the presentation of this material also contained sub material on grammar, and communicative functions of text. 

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Exercise and test materials are-provided to Determine and quantify the extent of your understanding in the following study. Material contains a label, notices or announcements that are commonly encountered around us. Schools, markets, banks, mosque as a place we find the announcement and the call will be taken as an example of a real existence. Happy Learning!
If we review the meaning of ”ANNOUNCEMENT ” from a dictionary, the information is either for the present time or the future time. To have the first text again, the bolded words “This Thursday, 17th of August” refers to the future time. In the second text , the bolded words ( those students have to submit) indicates facts in the present time. Now, to check again your comprehension, please fill in the blanks with the suitable words based on the second announcement. Writing effective opening and closing paragraphs is one of the keys to writing well-structured letters and emails. Opening paragraphs should provide your readers with a clear and concise statement of the reason that you are communicating with them. Closing paragraphs should encourage your readers to stay in contact with you or to take action with respect to the topic of your communication.
**Opening Paragraph to make an Announcement 
This is to inform you . . . 
I regret to inform you that . . . 
It is with great pleasure that I announce . . . 
I am pleased to inform you that . . .
**Closing Paragraph to make an Announcement 
Should you require (any) further information, please do not hesitate to contact me. 
Do not hesitate to contact me if you need (any) further information. 
If you need any additional information, please feel free to contact me. 
Please let me know if you need any further information.

Contoh Soal Writing an announcement

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