Contoh Soal Grammar Review , Modal Auxiliary

Contoh Soal Grammar Review , Modal AuxiliaryThe text tells the life story of SBY though it focuses only on SBY’s work experience involving his military and political life. It is the profile of SBY written for some magazines, and profile is the most ordinary example of biography.
Biography tells in detail about someone’s aspects of life involving personality, education, work, experience, and relationships. Biography does not always describe famous people in the past, since lots of well-known living figures have a biography of themselves. Biography usually functions as a description of someone historically important.
Authoring biography is never easy. It has to base on research that involves some archival study of documents, eye-witness accounts, interviews, and documentation.
Biography is mostly presented in narrative though it is about describing people and establishing a kind of recount text. Moreover, biography is considered the independent genre of text.

Read the short biography of SBY one more time and identify the language features used in the text. A biography may use any kinds of tenses, though mostly in past forms. If you carefully analyze the text, you will find out some modal verbs.
  • … he must be well-educated.
  • … he could manage to be in the military as well as politics.
  • … SBY could not be able to run for a third term
Modal auxiliaries. It gives the evidence and expresses the attitude of the sayings. Here is provided the modal auxiliaries with their general functions.
The followings are some characteristics of modal auxiliaries.
  • Modal verbs are forever followed by bare infinitive (base form) without to.
    SBY must be famous in Indonesia.

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    SBY must go to Lebanon in 1995.
  • To form negative, simply add ‘not’ after the modal.
    SBY would not be able to run for the third term.
  • Modal verbs never work with other auxiliary verbs.
    SBY ~was could~ be an army. (wrong)
  • We can't add s to make it present or ed to make it past
    SBY ~musted~ be an army.

Contoh Soal Grammar Review , Modal Auxiliary

You are given the following situation:
You want to borrow you teacher’s biography book of B.J. Habibie.
The most polite statement to ask for permission to your teacher is….
“Look at how good he is in playing the piano! I am sure that he is a gifted pianist.
Define the statement that has similar meaning with the underlined word.
After practicing for months, now I ... play piano even just a little.
Choose the suitable modal auxiliary to complete the statement.
The text above mainly tells about ....
The word it in the last sentence refers to ….
Define the best sentence to complete the text.
He was able to master Javanese, Sundanese, Balinese, modern Indonesia, English, Arabic, Dutch, German, French, and Japanese language.
The sentence above can be rephrased by using modal auxiliary. Choose the sentence that does not change the meaning.
Complete the following sentences with the correct modal auxiliaries.
The assignment is optional. The teacher said that we ... do it to if wee need additional score, but we ... do it if we don't want to.
“Before the era of technology, biography is documented in books. In this digital era, lots of biography of famous people could be presented in forms of films.”
The modal auxiliary in the statement functions to ....
The modal auxiliaries in the text are not appropriate. The best pair to replace them are ....

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