Contoh Soal Expressing and responding caring
Contoh Soal Expressing and responding caring - For example:
Anton : Congratulation for your team’s success in the last match. We are very proud of you.
Budi : Thank you so much. Your support really means for us.
Budi : Thank you so much. Your support really means for us.
Candy : You look unwell. Why not visiting a doctor soon after school?
Dina : Thanks, Candy, but I am ok. I am just sleepy right now that I am not energetic.
Ela : I guess you would be better to go by train instead of plane.
Fina : Thank you but I would prefer to go by plane.
Fina : Thank you but I would prefer to go by plane.
The above examples show how to respond various caring expressions in different situations. You can notice that no matter what respond you give to the caring expression delivered on you, you have to thank for the expression. You can either directly say thank you etc or imply it in your responds as a sign that you appreciate the care of others. If it is possible, it is also good to have a mutual caring expression in giving response, especially if the caring expression consists of impression, congratulation greeting or positive comment. Pay attention to the following examples:
John : You made a very good score in the test!
Brian : You are good at praising others. You also made a good one.
Brian : You are good at praising others. You also made a good one.
Sisi : You look so beautiful and charming!
Naila : Thanks. This is due to your help making over my face. You also look good.
Naila : Thanks. This is due to your help making over my face. You also look good.
Maura : I can’t believe that you won the competition! Congratulation!
Mili : Big thanks. You can also make it someday. I believe that.
Mili : Big thanks. You can also make it someday. I believe that.
Other than that, if the caring expression consists of suggestion or opinion that you don’t agree with, keep showing your appreciation and thankfulness by telling him/her that you have other consideration or choice politely. If it is possible, mention any reason why your choice should be more considerable than what your interlocutor thinks. Look at the following examples:
Mita : I assume that you can make it finished in one day
Anisa : I thought so, but a little more time will be good to make it better and better
Anisa : I thought so, but a little more time will be good to make it better and better
Karin : If you want to eat Chinese food, why not visiting the campus’ food court?
Sofi : Thanks for your suggestion, but I would like to try in other places.
Sofi : Thanks for your suggestion, but I would like to try in other places.
From all explanations and examples, you can conclude that responding caring expression must be
• Suitable with the context, situation or the caring expression you receive.
• Containing or implying expression that you thank for the care and attention addressed on you.
• Clearly showing that you appreciate caring expression of others whether you agree with the suggestion and opinion or not.
• A good feedback for anyone who pays attention on you.
• Suitable with the context, situation or the caring expression you receive.
• Clearly showing that you appreciate caring expression of others whether you agree with the suggestion and opinion or not.
• A good feedback for anyone who pays attention on you.
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