Contoh Soal Understanding Debate for Competition

Contoh Soal Understanding Debate for CompetitionUnderstand spoken and written texts to express opinion and state arguments properly according to the social function, text structure and language aspects of debate through reading and listening practices.

In Indonesia, there are many debate competitions held for senior high school students. The debate is called parliamentary debate. There are three forms of parliamentary debate: Asian parliamentary, Australian parliamentary and British parliamentary debate. In this session, we are going to focus on the most commonly used form in Indonesia; Asian parliamentary debate. Parliamentary debate has some rules.

Contoh Soal Understanding Debate for Competition

Listen to the following recording to answer question 1-4
The speech was delivered by….

The motion of the debate most likely is….

The main idea of the speech delivered by the speaker is….

According to the speaker, the mistake did by the opponent is….

The following debate script is for question no.5-7.
It is out of the question that smoking [5....]. In the current status quo, smoking is not allowed in the public space. Those who want to smoke are [6....]. Actually, besides in the place provided by the government, people still can smoke at their own house. Yet, our team believes that this condition should be changed. We believe that the [7....]. We believe that the government should also be responsible for the health of people in the house.
It is out of the question that smoking [ .... ].

The following debate script is for question no.5-7.
It is out of the question that smoking [5....]. In the current status quo, smoking is not allowed in the public space. Those who want to smoke are [6....]. Actually, besides in the place provided by the government, people still can smoke at their own house. Yet, our team believes that this condition should be changed. We believe that the [7....]. We believe that the government should also be responsible for the health of people in the house.
We believe that [ .... ]

The following debate script is for question no.5-7.
It is out of the question that smoking [5....]. In the current status quo, smoking is not allowed in the public space. Those who want to smoke are [6....]. Actually, besides in the place provided by the government, people still can smoke at their own house. Yet, our team believes that this condition should be changed. We believe that the [7....]. We believe that the government should also be responsible for the health of people in the house.
Those who want to smoke are [ .... ].

The following recording is for questions no.8-10
The speaker in the recording basically suggests….

Based on the recording, the speaker suggests that the harm of allowing illiterate people to vote is….

If you are the opponent team, the best response to counter the speaker’s argument is….

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