Contoh Soal Listening , Dialogues about Requesting and Granting Request

Contoh Soal Listening , Dialogues about Requesting and Granting Request n everyday interaction with people around us, it involves asking, accepting or rejecting requests. We all need help sometimes. In English – and many cultures – it is not polite to ask directly. So there are many phrases to start with before you ask for favor. When you are at home, you might have casual conversation with your family members when you ask a favor. You might also use casual expression when you accept or reject requests.
For example:
  • Can you turn off the TV?
  • Will you wash the dish after dinner?
To ask friends and people we know quite well we can say:
  • Can you give me a hand with this?
  • Could you help me for a second? The second phrase is more formal. “For a second' means you only need a little help. It will not be difficult.
Often times you need to ask for favor in more formal way. When you are in a restaurant, you ask the waiter politely. When you need help from a stranger, you need to ask them politely.

Granting Request

Granting Request is to express a wish or ask for to grant a request in a polite or formal. There are some phrases you can use to make polite requests. Here are the phrases:
  • Would it be possible for you to….
  • Would you be so kind to….
  • Would you…, please?
  • Would you mind ….?
  • Would you like to….
  • Do you mind if I ask you to….
  • Excuse me, may I….
Those are some phrases you can say when you politely or officially ask for something. “Excuse me” in the beginning of the phrase and “please” in the end of it shows politeness.

Would you mind…. or Do you mind….

By giving a positive response, it means you agree to do the favor. On the opposite, if you give negative response, it means you disagree to do the favor.
Would you mind.... is followed by a gerund (verb + ing)
Would you mind picking up the phone?
Positive response:
  • No, not at all.
  • Of course not.
Negative response:
  • Yes, I would.
Do you mind.... is followed by a gerund (verb + ing)
Do you mind taking off your shoes?
The answer is either:
  • No, I don't (It is a positive response to the request which means that you accept to take off your shoes) or Yes. (It is a negative response to the request. It means that you don't want take off your shoes.)
You can use the following phrases to accept requests:
  • OK
  • Alright
  • Sure
  • No problem
  • Certainly
  • It's a pleasure
In making request could is more polite than can. If you have to refuse a request you can use the following phrases:
  • I'm afraid, I .... (give you reason).
  • I'm sorry. I can't.
  • I'd like to, but .... (give your reason).

Contoh Soal Listening , Dialogues about Requesting and Granting Request

The following dialogue is for question no 1 and 2.
The phrase which is used to make a request on the dialogue is....
The following dialogue is for question no 1 and 2.
The woman asked for favor because ....
The following dialogue is for question no 3 and 4.
According to the conversation, they are going to see ....
The following dialogue is for question no 3 and 4.
From the dialogue, we know that.
The following dialogue is for question no 5 to 7.
The girl asked Bella to ....
The following dialogue is for question no 5 to 7.
The books were borrowed from ....

The following dialogue is for question no 5 to 7.
From the dialogue, we know that Bella would go to the library ....

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