Contoh Soal Stating objectives , purpose

Contoh Soal Stating objectives , purposeWe are learning how to state objectives / purpose in daily conversations that use simple structures in various aspects of daily life. The objective of the lesson is: students are able to state objectives / purpose in various settings.

Two men are talking about the latest news on TV.
          Peter : What happened to those two men?
          James : They have just fought.
          Peter : Why did they fight?
          James : They fought for the crown.
          Peter : Hmm…. What do you mean?
Did they fight on behalf of the crown or did they fight in order to take the crown?
English has various ways of expressing objectives / purpose. However, expressing objectives / purpose can be a problem if we are not careful. In the dialogue above, James says: “They fought for the crown” is ambiguous. The word for that is used to state purpose is not the best word. The best word to state purpose in that sentence is (in order) to. So, James should say: “They fought in order to get the crown”
In this lesson we are learning how to state objectives / purpose.
There are some expressions to state objectives / purpose:

1. To + V-infinitive

Andrea : Why does Emely go out? It’s late. It’s dangerous out there.
Audrey : She goes out to buy medicine.
(The purpose is: to buy medicine)

2. In order to (so as to) + V-infinitive

Ms. Rosa : You are both so serious.
Dewi : Yes, Miss Rosa. We have to focus in order to finish our project. 
(The purpose is: in order to finish the project)

3. So that + Subject + can/will/could/would

Example 1:
Biel: Let me check the engine.
Andra: Something wrong with it?
Biel: Yes, but everything is ok now. Here is my phone number so that you can contact me.
Andra: Thank you.
(The purpose is: Biel can contact Andra.)
Example 2:
Sophia: Why did you leave so early yesterday?
Milka: I left early so that I could park my car close to the concert hall.
(The purpose is: Milka could park her car close to the concert hall.)

4. For + V-ing (used to express general purpose or function of a thing / a tool)

Shop assistant: Can I help you?
Buyer: I am looking for…. Emm… sorry I forget the name. It’s a tool for making a hole.
Shop assistant: Do you mean a drill? Like this one?
Buyer : Yes, That’s it. How much is it?
(The purpose of using a drill is: to make a hole)

5. In order not to (so as not to) + V-infinitive

Bryan : Shh.., Speak slowly, please.
Mita : Sorry. I forget that we are in the library.
Bryan : Yes. In the library we have to be quite so as not to disturb others.
(The purpose is: They don’t disturb others.)

6. So that + Subject + don’t / doesn’t (won’t / wouldn’t)

Example 1:
Lupi : Why do you always take an umbrella everywhere? It’s not raining.
Sita : It’s not raining now. But, it’s rainy season.
Lupi : I get your point. You bring an umbrella so that you won’t get wet if it rains.
Sita : Exactly.
(The purpose is: Lupi doesn’t get wet if it rains.)
Example 2: 
Eddy : What is that?
Reno : This is my lunch box.
Eddy : Do you bring lunch to school?
Reno : Yes. I bring lunch so that I don’t have to go out to buy lunch at break.
(The purpose is: Reno doesn’t have to go out to buy lunch.)

Contoh Soal Stating objectives , purpose

People go to the library … books.
Nanda : Why is it so crowded?
Dinda : There is a demonstration over there. Look! There are a lot of police officers. 
Nanda : I think they are here … they can control the crowd.
The right word to complete the above conversation is ....
Learn the following dialogue.
Rindu: Mom, how do you call the tool that the doctor is holding?
Mother: The tool is called a stethoscope.
Rindu: What is a stethoscope? How does it work? I’m really interested in medical stuffs. 
Mother: Well, that sounds really good, Rindu! The stethoscope is … the patients' heartbeat.
The right phrase to fill the blank is ....
Titan: Yeiyyy, it’s Saturday! Caleb, let’s play football this evening. 
Caleb: Well, I’m sorry, I’m afraid I can’t. I’m doing my assignment this evening.
Titan: You must be kidding! Come on, you can do it on Monday.
Caleb: I do it this evening ... it tomorrow. I’m going fishing with my dad tomorrow.
Choose the right set of words to complete the above conversation: ....
The following conversation is for number 5 to 7.
Anisa: This lesson is extremely hard to comprehend. I loathe memorizing words, definitions, and sentences.
Bila : What is the answer for number 7? What picture is it?
Anisa: It is not clear. Let me read the function. It is used 5) …. Oh, it must be a ruler.
Bila : I think so.
Anisa: I think I have to study harder. English is never easy for me.
Bila : Yes. I want to have a good score in English. I’m planning to go to the bookstore after school. I’m going to buy a dictionary 6) ….
Anisa: That’s a good idea. I’ll buy the electronic one.
Bila : Electronic dictionary?
Anisa: Yes. I want to use an electronic dictionary 7)… have to bring a heavy and thick dictionary to school.
The most proper purpose of the tool that can fill number 5 is ….
The following conversation is for number 5 to 7.
Anisa: This lesson is extremely hard to comprehend. I loathe memorizing words, definitions, and sentences.
Bila : What is the answer for number 7? What picture is it?
Anisa: It is not clear. Let me read the function. It is used 5) …. Oh, it must be a ruler.
Bila : I think so.
Anisa: I think I have to study harder. English is never easy for me.
Bila : Yes. I want to have a good score in English. I’m planning to go to the bookstore after school. I’m going to buy a dictionary 6) ….
Anisa: That’s a good idea. I’ll buy the electronic one.
Bila : Electronic dictionary?
Anisa: Yes. I want to use an electronic dictionary 7)… have to bring a heavy and thick dictionary to school.
The best set of words to complete number 6 is ….
The following conversation is for number 5 to 7.
Anisa: This lesson is extremely hard to comprehend. I loathe memorizing words, definitions, and sentences.
Bila : What is the answer for number 7? What picture is it?
Anisa: It is not clear. Let me read the function. It is used 5) …. Oh, it must be a ruler.
Bila : I think so.
Anisa: I think I have to study harder. English is never easy for me.
Bila : Yes. I want to have a good score in English. I’m planning to go to the bookstore after school. I’m going to buy a dictionary 6) ….
Anisa: That’s a good idea. I’ll buy the electronic one.
Bila : Electronic dictionary?
Anisa: Yes. I want to use an electronic dictionary 7)… have to bring a heavy and thick dictionary to school.
The best expression for number 7 is ….
Arrange these sentences into a good dialogue.
1. No. It’s for cutting wood.
2. Good morning. Can I help you?
3. Yes, an axe! Thank you.
4. This one?
5. Yes, I am looking for a ....? Oh, sorry I forgot the name. Aahh ... that thing, near the rake.
6. Oh, do you mean an axe?
The good arrangement is ....
Arrange these sentences into a good dialogue.
  1. Let’s go with me and we can practice together.
  2. I think I need to practice listening too.
  3. Lina, where are you going?
  4. I’m going there to practice my listening skill.
  5. I’m going to the language laboratory.
  6. Why do you want to go there?
  7. That’s a good idea.
Arrange the sentences into a good dialogue.
  1. Don’t cover your mouth so that I can hear you voice.
  2. Dona, please answer number 9.
  3. Good. Now number 10. Rendy, please.
  4. The answer is …
  5. The answer for number 10 is scissors. One of the functions is for cutting paper.
  6. Ok class, would you please be quiet so that I don’t have to shout? Thank you.
  7. I’m sorry, Miss. The answer is a bandage. It’s for covering a wound.

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