Contoh Soal Novel Synopsis and Review

Contoh Soal Novel Synopsis and ReviewWriting a novel review aims to retell the whole story using your own sentences. The goal of writing review is to give the readers brief summary of the overall story that is presented in the novel. By reading the review, the readers can simply understand what happens in the story after they have finished reading it. Therefore, they don’t have to read the whole pages of the novel.
        In writing the novel review the described information may involve several aspects: the information of the author, the characters and the characterization, the settings, the plot, the key events told in the story, and finally the judgment.
Here is the detail of the description
The author: The writer, the genre, the publication
The character: The characters who runs the story
The characterization: The physical and psychological traits of the actors
The settings: The time/ place/ situation that become the background of the story

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The plot: The flow of the story: how does the story start and end
The key events: The important events that give the soul to the overall story
The judgment: Our opinion about the novel to make sure that it is worth to read, and also our criticism if any.

Contoh Soal Novel Synopsis and Review

The novel review tells you about ....
The condition of their village is ....
The first key event in the story is ....
ow can the schoolboys be named the rainbow troops? Find the reason here:
“This old-tiny school is lacking in facilities” (1st paragraph)
The synonym of the italic word is ....
What is the synonym of the word extreme poverty? Choose the right answer here:
The character that represents the author’s childhood in the story is ....
“these humble schoolboys never give up to their bad condition and dare to show to the world that THEY CAN
The synonym of “humble” in that sentence is ....
“these humble schoolboys never give up to their bad condition and dare to show to the world that THEY CAN
The word “CAN” refers to certain meaning of ability. It refers to ....
The moral value of this story is ....

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