Contoh Soal Learning Public Speaking , Types and Characteristics

Contoh Soal Learning Public Speaking , Types and CharacteristicsHave you ever delivered a speech or presented some public speaking in front of a lot of people? Standing before some strangers and giving some speech in a formal and informal occasion is called public speaking. How do you feel when standing in front of people? For many people, speaking in front of a large audience is a very difficult task, even a nightmare. That is why it is natural to become very nervous. However, practice makes perfect.
When preparing the speech, we should think about these following things:
  • Who are my audience?
  • What is their concern?
  • How can I make the speech to meet their needs?
  • What should I do and say to get the desired results?
  • What is the aim of the speech? Is it to inform the audience? Is it to persuade them? Is it to motivate them? Is it to entertain them?
In this lesson we are learning four (4) types of public speaking (speech) and the characteristics.

1. Informative

An informative speech is aimed to pass valuable information on a particular topic or issue that usually includes facts and statistics to an audience. Since there are facts or statistics, someone who is preparing an informative speech should conduct a research on the subject or topic.
An informative speech should have these following characteristics:
  • Be precise. If it is too long, it will make the audience bored.
  • Be specific. The data, figures, and statistics should be accurate.
  • The language should be simple and easy to understand. If there are technical terms, the terms should be explained briefly.
  • The value and meaning of the facts should be explained so that the audience can use the information to solve problems or to make decisions.
We use this type of public speaking in business presentations, seminars in colleges, class presentations in schools, news on TV or radio or newspaper.

2. Persuasive

A persuasive speech is aimed to persuade or convince the audience so that they are willing to change their opinions on a certain topic.
A persuasive speech should have these following characteristics:
  • Speak enthusiastically.
  • Your face/expression should reflect how you feel.
  • The arguments should be logical.
  • Stimulate the audience’s thoughts by giving rhetoric questions (questions which do not need answers from the audience)
  • Ask the audience to take an action.
We use this type of public speaking when encouraging people to do something or avoiding doing something (by religious leaders or experts), promoting products (by sales and marketing people), persuading people to vote a candidate (by politicians).

3. Motivational

A motivational speech is aimed to motivate the audience to take a specific step, to act.
A motivational speech should have these following characteristics:
  • There are stories, anecdotes, illustrations and real-life experiences that captive the audience and inspire them and uplift their spirit.
  • The speaker speaks with enthusiasm and passion.
  • Motivate the audience to take an action.
We use this type of public speaking in sales presentations, educational workshops.

4. Ceremonial

A ceremonial speech is given at specific occasion such as weddings, graduation parties, retirement parties, anniversary parties. A ceremonial speech should have these following characteristics:
  • The speech is short.
  • The speech can be humorous, touching or emotional.
  • It can be a story about a person. Highlight the good qualities and avoid harmful/hurtful remarks.

Do you understand?

Now, read this following speech and decide what kind of speech it is.
Good morning everyone, today, as part of our English assignment, I will tell you about the benefits of having pets at home. Pets, or animals that people keep and take care like a family member at home, bring various advantages for us. The nature of pets that are loyal to human being is very positive to the emotional development of children. Children who grow together with their pets are becoming more responsible and sensitive towards the needs of others. In addition to that, a survey by Pets Magazine whosed that pets make parents easy to manage the household because their kids won’t always be attached to mom and dad all the time.
So, what kind of public speaking is it? Yes, it is an informative speech. How is that?
  • It is a school assignment about the benefits of having pets at home.
  • The aim is to pass valuable information on the function of having pets to classmates.

Contoh Soal Learning Public Speaking , Types and Characteristics

Read the speech below and answer questions 1 – 3.
“Cell phones are dangerous to use while driving. The use of cell phones is the most common distraction, but the use of a hand-held cell phone improves the risk 1.3 times, which is less than reaching for items on the seat or in the glove compartment. According to the current research, a driver who is talking over a mobile phone is four times more endangered to crash with another vehicle than a driver who focuses driving only without distractions of cell phones. Cell phone distraction triggers more deaths in America, reaching out the number of 2600 deaths. Do you want to be one of them? No, absolutely not. You have family – your wife, your husband, your cute son, your lovely daughter, or other members of family - who are waiting for you at home. You have dreams and a lot of things to do, don’t you? So, don’t use your cell phone while driving, but drive safely.”
What is the aim of the speech? The aim is ....
Read the speech below and answer questions 1 – 3.
"Cell phones are dangerous to use while driving. The use of cell phones is the most common distraction, but the use of a hand-held cell phone improves the risk 1.3 times, which is less than reaching for items on the seat or in the glove compartment. According to the current research, a driver who is talking over a mobile phone is four times more endangered to crash with another vehicle than a driver who focuses driving only without distractions of cell phones. Cell phone distraction triggers more deaths in America, reaching out the number of 2600 deaths. Do you want to be one of them? No, absolutely not. You have family – your wife, your husband, your cute son, your lovely daughter, or other members of family - who are waiting for you at home. You have dreams and a lot of things to do, don’t you? So, don’t use your cell phone while driving, but drive safely.”
What is the speech about? It is about ....
Read the speech below and answer questions 1 – 3.
“Cell phones are dangerous to use while driving. The use of cell phones is the most common distraction, but the use of a hand-held cell phone improves the risk 1.3 times, which is less than reaching for items on the seat or in the glove compartment. According to the current research, a driver who is talking over a mobile phone is four times more endangered to crash with another vehicle than a driver who focuses driving only without distractions of cell phones. Cell phone distraction triggers more deaths in America, reaching out the number of 2600 deaths. Do you want to be one of them? No, absolutely not. You have family – your wife, your husband, your cute son, your lovely daughter, or other members of family - who are waiting for you at home. You have dreams and a lot of things to do, don’t you? So, don’t use your cell phone while driving, but drive safely.”
The type of above public speaking is ....
Read the speech below and answer questions 4 – 6.
“Good afternoon, dear friends. I am Randy, class XII Language Program. Welcome to Math Club. I heard that at first some of you are reluctant to join our school wonderful math club because you think that studying math is a nightmare. I myself did think it was horrible. Last year, I decided to take Language Program and I always got bad scores in math tests, never better than 4! However, it has changed. I joined this club and have learned that math is interesting. I get better, much better scores, never less than 8. I am sure you will experience the same great moment too. Although now you think that math is very difficult, you can get better scores. The keys are: first, join math club. Second, practice! Third, practice! Fourth, practice! Never give up! Say you can do it, and you can! Yes, say it: I can! I can! I can! And you can. You are now here, you have joined math club and you will love math.”
The speaker is ....
Read the speech below and answer questions 4 – 6.
“Good afternoon, dear friends. I am Randy, class XII Language Program. Welcome to Math Club. I heard that at first some of you are reluctant to join our school wonderful math club because you think that studying math is a nightmare. I myself did think it was horrible. Last year, I decided to take Language Program and I always got bad scores in math tests, never better than 4! However, it has changed. I joined this club and have learned that math is interesting. I get better, much better scores, never less than 8. I am sure you will experience the same great moment too. Although now you think that math is very difficult, you can get better scores. The keys are: first, join math club. Second, practice! Third, practice! Fourth, practice! Never give up! Say you can do it, and you can! Yes, say it: I can! I can! I can! And you can. You are now here, you have joined math club and you will love math.”
The aim of the above speech is ....
Read the speech below and answer questions 4 – 6.
“Good afternoon, dear friends. I am Randy, class XII Language Program. Welcome to Math Club. I heard that at first some of you are reluctant to join our school wonderful math club because you think that studying math is a nightmare. I myself did think it was horrible. Last year, I decided to take Language Program and I always got bad scores in math tests, never better than 4! However, it has changed. I joined this club and have learned that math is interesting. I get better, much better scores, never less than 8. I am sure you will experience the same great moment too. Although now you think that math is very difficult, you can get better scores. The keys are: first, join math club. Second, practice! Third, practice! Fourth, practice! Never give up! Say you can do it, and you can! Yes, say it: I can! I can! I can! And you can. You are now here, you have joined math club and you will love math.”
The type of the above public speaking is ....
Read the speech below and answer questions 7 – 9.
“Good morning ladies, gentlemen and fellow graduates. Finally we have come to the day of accomplishment, the graduation. After all the work and tensions of exam by exam, we have marked our life with another step, completing high school! Although this is just a big loop in our life, it is not an end. It is just a beginning , a new start to open more chances in the future. Fulfilling your dreams is just another step away. No matter what you would do next, pursuing further study or get an internship, keep in mind that we shall keep growing. I wish you all the best for your next steps, and congratulations all for completing your study!
The occasion is ....
Read the speech below and answer questions 7 – 9.
“Good morning ladies, gentlemen and fellow graduates. Finally we have come to the day of accomplishment, the graduation. After all the work and tensions of exam by exam, we have marked our life with another step, completing high school! Although this is just a big loop in our life, it is not an end. It is just a beginning , a new start to open more chances in the future. Fulfilling your dreams is just another step away. No matter what you would do next, pursuing further study or get an internship, keep in mind that we shall keep growing. I wish you all the best for your next steps, and congratulations all for completing your study!
The speaker is ....
Read the speech below and answer questions 7 – 9.
“Good morning ladies, gentlemen and fellow graduates. Finally we have come to the day of accomplishment, the graduation. After all the work and tensions of exam by exam, we have marked our life with another step, completing high school! Although this is just a big loop in our life, it is not an end. It is just a beginning , a new start to open more chances in the future. Fulfilling your dreams is just another step away. No matter what you would do next, pursuing further study or get an internship, keep in mind that we shall keep growing. I wish you all the best for your next steps, and congratulations all for completing your study!
The type of the above public speaking is ....
Arrange these parts of a speech into a good complete speech.
  1. Of course, we are not always happy. There were some ups and downs. We work for our marriage and make my family happy.
  2. Dear guests, thank you very much for being with us this evening, to celebrate the 6th anniversary of our marriage. I still remember the day I asked Lena to be my wife. She looked gorgeous in a black-gold kebaya.
  3. Today, I like to thank God for the true love He gives to us and hope to see you again at our 7th anniversary next year. Let’s enjoy the food and drink we prepare. Thank you.
  4. And what people say is true. We are happy to be in love and appreciate all the care we give to each other.
  5. Six years is just like yesterday. For both of us, time has elapsed too fast. People say it always happens when we are happy.

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