Contoh Soal Understanding similes (1)

Contoh Soal Understanding similes (1)It’s dinnertime and my mother is busy as a bee in the kitchen.  She has a lot of cooking to do. Although my brother Pete is thin as a reed, he can eat like a horse!

The lines above have some special expressions: as busy as a bee, thin as a reed, eat like a horse. These expressions compare a person or a situation to something else, and tell you more about that person or a situation. These expressions are called similes. 

Let’s look at them in detail.

Mother is busy as a bee. If you’ve seen a bee at work, you know it’s always buzzing about and working hard, without a moment’s rest. Mother is doing the same in the kitchen. So she is as busy as a bee.

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Pete is thin as a reed, but he eats like a horse. A reed is a stalk of grass, and we all know how thin one single stalk of grass is! Pete is not really as thin as that, but this is just a way of saying that he is thinner than most people. He eats like a horse, and if you’ve ever seen a horse eating, you’ll know that horses like to eat quite a lot.

It’s easy to spot a simile in a sentence. The simile usually begins with “like _____” or looks like this “as ______ as _____.” Some examples:
Like sunshine
Like a fairytale
Like a pig
As slow as a snail
As sharp as a knife
As cold as ice

When you look at a full sentence or paragraph, you’ll be able to understand the meaning of a simile easily. Let’s try with one example.

When I woke up on my birthday, my mother surprised me with a cake, a gift, and a trip to the beach! It was like a fairytale!

Lots of nice and unexpected things happened on my birthday, so “like a fairytale” means very nice and magical.

When the teacher asked our class what the capital of Bahrain was, everyone was quiet as a mouse.

Mice are very quiet creatures usually, and you could have one in the room and not know it is there at all! The students were all as quiet as that, because nobody knew the answer!

So now we have a good idea of what similes are, and how they work. Remember these things about similes:

  • They give us information about a person, thing or situation by comparing it to something else
  • They often begin with “like ____” or “as ____ as _____”
  • They are quite direct and become easier to understand when we read the whole sentence or passage.

Contoh Soal Understanding similes (1)

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