Contoh Soal Understanding Narrative Text , Fable
Contoh Soal Understanding Narrative Text , Fable - Do you like reading or listening to a story?
Do you still remember those stories?
Which one is your favorite?
Which one is your favorite?
Story belongs to the category of narrative text. Narrative text is the text that describes a sequence of certain events. It usually begins with the scene building, where the story starts to introduce the characters involved in the story as well as where and when the story takes place. The later part will lead to the crisis, where the problems are culminated. It reaches the climax where the resolution is needed. Then, the story ends with the problems being resolved. After that, it will usually leave the readers with some thought about the moral value of the story.
The main purpose of narrative text is to amuse the readers. However, the story does not necessarily have to be a funny or happy-ending story, but in general it should have moral value. The structure of narrative text can be summarized into several parts:
- Orientation This is the part where the story begins. It could begin with the introduction of the characters, the background of the story, or when and where it happens.
- Complication In this part, the problem starts to emerge and the conflict arises. The story reaches its climax point in this part. It will lead to the next part, where the problem is being solved.
- Resolution This part provides the solution to the conflict or the problem. In this part, the conflict or problem is resolved and the story ends here.
- Re-orientation There is usually a closing statement or moral value written in this part. However, this part is optional. In a story, re-orientation can be written or not.
The language features that are used in narrative text are:
- Past tense The use of past verb, such as: went, lived, stayed.
- Adverb of time For instance: once upon a time, a long time ago, one day.
- Direct speech For instance: “Which one of your tricks are you going to use?” said the cat
There are many forms of narrative, fiction or non-fiction, for instance folklore, myth, legend, fairy-tale, and the one that you are going to learn in this topic: fable.
When you were a kid, you might often hear stories about animals from your parents or your teachers. The one that is quite famous in Indonesia is the stories about the mousedeer. This type of story about animal is called fable.
Fable is one of the narrative forms that mainly featuring animals as its main characters, where they could speak and behave like human beings. Sometimes, fable is also featuring human in the story, but not really often.
Here is an example of fable:

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