Contoh Soal Identify appropriate tone and formality

Contoh Soal Identify appropriate tone and formality When doing any type of writing, it is very important to be aware of the audience that a person is writing for; whether it be an e-mail to a good friend, a memo to a boss, an essay or a formal investigative report for a class. it is important for a person to consider who the audience is and what kind of tone to use before he/she starts writing. Tone is the term used to describe the manner of expression used when speaking or writing. Using an inappropriate tone can lead to misunderstandings and frustration.

Tone also exists in speech but when a person is talking to somebody; their body language and voice help to clarify what is being said so that misunderstandings are less frequent. Unfortunately, words on a page cannot convey tone by themselves and therefore the author must make sure that the tone is understood by the reader. This is not an easy thing to do and may take some practice perfecting.
Contoh Soal Identify appropriate tone and formality

What's wrong with the following email to your boss?

Mr. Jones,

I see u r  going on holidays next month. If u you need anything pls let me know or u can contact me b4 you leave.


What advice would you give somebody who turned in the an academic essay containing the following? 
It is recommended by physicians and medical practitioners that you shouldn't eat more calories a day then your body needs, but nor should you deprive yourself of food.  Your body needs food to survive and to be at its optimum.  You should also rest during the day and not worry if you don't sleep the recommended 8 hours a day since everybody's body rhythm is different.

What is the problem with this message?

Hello Jim,

Mr. James is arriving from Bangkok at 3 o'clock. He would like somebody to arrange for him to be picked up at the airport and taken to his hotel downtown. Can you call LK Limo company and arrange for driver to take Mr. James to his hotel?  

I will be out of the office all day with the representatives from Toronto and I need somebody to take care of it for me.

Thanks. If you need anything, you have my cell number.

What could be done to make the following letter better?
Dear Ms. Robin Koski,

On November the 15th, I ordered 25 boxes of men's summer sandals sizes 8, 9, 10 and 12, style Morocco in Fiji Brown, Cambridge black and Helium blue, I couldn't order any size 11's because they were out of stock in the Fiji Brown and Helium blue. I would like to know if you have finally received more stock in size 11 and I am also interested in ordering a box of Cambridge black and Fiji Brown in size 7and 13.

 Best regards,

 Laurel Smith
 M St. Shoe Café, Rochester, New York

This is part of a cover letter sent in an email, what would you do to make it better?
I've been working as an intern at ICU College since 2010.  Before that, I was studying Eng. Lit  in the evenings and working as a company ass. sales rep. for Macklin Autos and Insurance. My duties included arranging meetings with new corp. clients, filing claims, forwarding mails and answering phones. 

 Can you decide what is the overall problem with the following?

In August of 1492, the King and Queen of Spain gave Christopher Columbus
the supplies, men and ships that he needed to go on his expedition. He was given three ships to make the voyage - the 
Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria.

During the trip, Columbus’ men were scared silly that they'd  be lost at sea and that they'd run out of food and die of hunger. As the days wore on his men began to turn against him. 
Columbus was made to agree to turn back if they didn't find land in three days.

On the night before he'd have had to turn around and head back to Spain, land was 
sighted. Columbus and his men had come across an island in the Caribbean, 
which they named Hispanolia. Columbus hadn't 
realized that he'd arrived in a new part of the world. He believed
that he was in India. For this reason, he called the people that lived 
on these islands the Indians.

Columbus went back to the Americas three times. Each time believing that he'd found a new way to get to India. During his lifetime, he never realized that he had discovered a new world.

 Can you spot the problem in this email?

there is an important delivary arriving tomorrow mornng at 11 o'clock. Please make sure that somebody is their to sign for it.


What is the problem with this complaint letter?
 Dear Sirs,

I recently bought a 3G Bluebell cell phone from your East side location out in the burbs. The blonde their that sold me the phone asured me that your stupid phone would work no matter where I was.  Well, she darn well lyed to me and the phone which I paid $300 for stopped working 2 days after I got the thing.

I am realy unhappy with the phone and I hate that that fat dumb blonde lied to my face. I expect to get my mony back or else.

T. Harrison.

Where would you read the following passage?
Washington's first visit to Pittsburgh occurred in November, 1753, while
he was on his way to the French fort at Leboeuff. He was carrying a
letter from the Ohio Company to Contrecœur, protesting against the
plans of the French commander in undertaking to establish a line of
forts to reach from Lake Erie to the mouth of the Ohio River. The winter
season was becoming very severe, in despite of which Washington and Gist
were forced to swim with their horses across the Allegheny River. On the
way, they fell in with a friendly Indian, Keyashuta, a Seneca chief, who
showed them much kindness, and for whom a suburban town, Guyasuta, is

Where would you read the following?

Attention all afternoon staff. The cafeteria will be closed at 4 o'clock for a routine health and safety inspection. It will  reopen at 6:30 to accommodate staff on the evening and late-night rotation.

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