Contoh Soal Congratulation

Contoh Soal CongratulationShowing to others that you are happy when they are successful is part of what is called empathy. Furthermore, congratulating people shows that you care for them, appreciate their achievement and be happy for them. It is very ethical and polite to do this in different situations such as to your friends, teachers, parents, sibling, even to rivals. In a competition, your best friend is the winner. You want to congratulate him over his success. Do you know, what will you say to show that you are happy for him? In this discussion, we will learn about the expressions of congratulation. Congratulation is an expression that we use to give acknowledgement, show happiness and appreciation to someone when s/he succeeds doing something.
When can we congratulate someone? The following social and personal contexts are some examples where someone will normally congratulate someone else:
* winning a competition
* passing national examination
* succeeding in doing something important
* having a successful presentation

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* getting high scores in tests
* successfully getting over some personal problems 
* finishing targets in learning, group projects, etc.
Do we congratulate others just because they have good relationship with us? The answer is no. In competitions and sports match, it is very important to show respect and appreciation over competitor’s success. Although it feels disappointing to see other people or team perform better that you, show appreciation by congratulating the winning person or team.

Contoh Soal Congratulation

Shinta : “I heard your short story won the first prize in the contest, _________ (1)”
Dewi : “____________ (2)”
Shinta : “As your friend I’m _____(3)”
Dewi : “Thank you.”
Shinta : “You deserve it because it is a very inspirational story.”
Dewi : “
_______ (4)”
Which text best fits (1)?

Shinta : “I heard your short story won the first prize in the contest, _________ (1)”
Dewi : “____________ (2)”
Shinta : “As your friend I’m _____(3)”
Dewi : “Thank you.”
Shinta : “You deserve it because it is a very inspirational story.”
Dewi : “
_______ (4)”
Which text best fits (2)?

Shinta : “I heard your short story won the first prize in the contest, _________ (1)”
Dewi : “____________ (2)”
Shinta : “As your friend I’m _____(3)”
Dewi : “Thank you.”
Shinta : “You deserve it because it is a very inspirational story.”
Dewi : “
_______ (4)”
Which text best fits (3)?

Shinta : “I heard your short story won the first prize in the contest, _________ (1)”
Dewi : “____________ (2)”
Shinta : “As your friend I’m _____(3)”
Dewi : “Thank you.”
Shinta : “You deserve it because it is a very inspirational story.”
Dewi : “
_______ (4)”
Which text best fits (4)?

Fill in the blank.
Romi : “This is the most delicious food I ever eat.”
Doni : ___________

Date : September 1, 2014
To : Sastra
I would like to congratulate you on your college graduation day. You always study hard and the result pays off. Keep up the good work.
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Date : September 1, 2014
To : Sastra
I would like to congratulate you on your college graduation day. You always study hard and the result pays off. Keep up the good work.
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Date : September 1, 2014
To : Sastra
I would like to congratulate you on your college graduation day. You always study hard and the result pays off. Keep up the good work.
You always study hard and the result pays off. The italic word has similar meaning with…..

Ryan : “Mom, look ! I got A for my mathematics test”
Mother : “_________ Keep up the good work.”

The following are the expression of congratulation, except ______

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