Contoh Soal Identify the purpose of an informational text
Contoh Soal Identify the purpose of an informational text - An informational text is one that teaches you about social or natural phenomena: what a thing is, how it came about, how it changes, what it does, why it exists and so on.
A story about a volcano would probably talk about how two kids wandered too close to it; a biography of a volcano enthusiast would talk about his or her trips to see volcanoes of the world, but an “informational text” tells you why volcanoes exist, how they are formed, where you can find them, what different kinds there are and what happens when they erupt. After you have read “informational text” about a topic, you will know more about the subject than you did before.
How we read informational text is slightly different from how we would read a story. We need to pay close attention to everything, understand what we are reading and understand each part before we move on to the next part.
Here are some features of informational texts:
Factual descriptions: Instead of telling you what a walk in the Swiss Alps feels like, the informational text will tell you about the various kinds of hiking paths you will encounter there.
Technical vocabulary: Depending on the subject, an informational text will introduce you to specialized and/or technical vocabulary that can help you expand your vocabulary and teach you to use words correctly.
Headings, diagrams, references: Instructional texts are often highly structured and systematic. They use diagrams as aids to learning, and refer to other experts to help us draw information and knowledge from the texts.
Does all this make informational text sound dull and difficult to grasp? That is certainly not the case. Informational texts can be fun to read and make you go “aha!” when you learn the secrets of things and facts you take for granted.
Read the passage below and answer the question that follows.
Fruits when ripe and in good condition are best eaten raw; cooking spoils the flavor. Food requiring mastication and encouraging salivation is the best. Food is frequently made too sloppy or liquid, and is eaten too hot, thus causing indigestion and decay of the teeth. The cereals and pulses can be eaten raw only with difficulty. When cooked in water the starch granules swell and break up, the plant cells are ruptured, the fibers are separated and the nutritious matter made easy to digest. The flavor is greatly improved. Cooking increases our range and variety of food.
What is the best way to eat ripe fruit?
Read the passage below and answer the question that follows.
Fruits when ripe and in good condition are best eaten raw; cooking spoils the flavor. Food requiring mastication and encouraging salivation is the best. Food is frequently made too sloppy or liquid, and is eaten too hot, thus causing indigestion and decay of the teeth. The cereals and pulses can be eaten raw only with difficulty. When cooked in water the starch granules swell and break up, the plant cells are ruptured, the fibers are separated and the nutritious matter made easy to digest. The flavor is greatly improved. Cooking increases our range and variety of food.
Which of these statements is true?
Read the passage below and answer the question that follows.
The term oil is of very wide significance, being applied to substances of vastly different natures, both organic and inorganic, but so far as soap-making materials are concerned, it may be restricted almost entirely to the products derived from animal and vegetable sources, though many attempts have been made during the last few years to also utilize mineral oils for the preparation of soap. Fats readily become oils on heating beyond their melting points, and may be regarded as frozen oils.
Where does the oil used to make soap come from?
Read the passage below and answer the question that follows.
The term oil is of very wide significance, being applied to substances of vastly different natures, both organic and inorganic, but so far as soap-making materials are concerned, it may be restricted almost entirely to the products derived from animal and vegetable sources, though many attempts have been made during the last few years to also utilize mineral oils for the preparation of soap. Fats readily become oils on heating beyond their melting points, and may be regarded as frozen oils.
What do fats turn into on heating?
Read the passage below and answer the question that follows.
When we have heated a solid body to a certain degree, and have thereby caused its particles to separate from each other, if we allow the body to cool, its particles again approach each other in the same proportion in which they were separated by the increased temperature; the body returns through the same degrees of expansion which it before extended through; and, if it be brought back to the same temperature from which we set out at the commencement of the experiment, it recovers exactly the same dimensions which it formerly occupied.
What does the word
commencement mean?
Read the passage below and answer the question that follows.
When we have heated a solid body to a certain degree, and have thereby caused its particles to separate from each other, if we allow the body to cool, its particles again approach each other in the same proportion in which they were separated by the increased temperature; the body returns through the same degrees of expansion which it before extended through; and, if it be brought back to the same temperature from which we set out at the commencement of the experiment, it recovers exactly the same dimensions which it formerly occupied.
What happens to the dimensions of a body when it is heated and cooled back again?
Read the passage below and answer the question that follows.
Democracy is a type of government under which all eligible citizens have an equal say in the decisions that affect the lives of the citizens and the nation. Under a Democracy, all eligible citizens are invited to participate equally—either directly or through representatives elected by them—in the proposal, development, and creation of laws.
Which of these privileges are available to eligible citizens in a democracy?
Read the passage below and answer the question that follows.
A democratic government can be compared with other forms of government such as a monarchy, under which power is held by one person, or an oligarchy, under which power is held by a small number of people. These differences were first mentioned in Greek philosophy, but the boundaries are fading in modern times, where governments have mixed democratic, oligarchic, and monarchic elements.
Based on this passage, which of these statements is true?
Read the passage below and answer the question that follows.
Crowdsourcing is the practice of outsourcing tasks to a diverse group of people. This process can be conducted both online and offline. Crowdsourcing should not be confused with outsourcing, which refers to the sourcing of a task or a problem to a specific person or organization, such as employees from a company. On the other hand, crowdsourcing relies on a scattered group of persons or bodies to complete a task.
What is the biggest difference between crowdsourcing and outsourcing?
Read the passage below and answer the question that follows.
Those who use crowdsourcing services are refereed to as crowdsourcers. The advantage of crowdsourcing your assignment are that you can gather large numbers of solutions or information at relatively inexpensive rates. People who work on crowdsourcing projects are called contributors. These people contribute out of intrinsic motivations, such as establishing social contact and filling up idle time, and out of extrinsic motivations such as financial gain.
What is the factor that motivates both the crowdsourcers and contributors?