Contoh Soal Draw conclusions from an informational text - biology

Contoh Soal Draw conclusions from an informational text - biologyIt is important to be able to read a piece of information and come to conclusions based on the facts that are available. This demonstrates an understanding of the text and also shows an ability to summarize the key elements of a text.

You must be able to:
-          Identify the key pieces of information in a text
-          Deduce conclusions that only use the information provided
Good Practices
-          Summarize the material that has been discussed
-          Follow the same tone and style as the rest of the paragraph
Bad Practices
-          Introduce new information
-          Change the style or tone of the paragraph
-          Draw conclusions that are unwarranted by the paragraph

In this lesson you will compare conclusions about a text and identify which conclusions are valid and which are not.
Contoh Soal Draw conclusions from an informational text - biology

What conclusion can be drawn from this text?

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Cheese, butter, margarine and oils all contain fats which are needed to maintain certain functions in the body’s life processes: fats are also needed to make cell membranes and to insulate our bodies.

What conclusion can be drawn from this text?

Protein is used for building and repairing cells. Some of the foods that can be consumed to get protein include meat, fish, eggs and cheese. Protein is particularly important for children who are still growing because the wrong amounts will negatively affect the development of their bodies in this vital period of growth.

What conclusion can be drawn from this text?

A poor diet may lead to deficiency diseases. For example, too little vitamin D in the diet can lead to rickets, which affects the proper growth of the skeleton. Type 2 diabetes is also a problem related to poor diet.

What conclusion can be drawn from this text?

Many chemical reactions take place all the time across the human body, and few are more important than respiration, which allows cells to release energy from food. The speed at which these reactions take place is subject to several factors, including age, gender and genetics. Your metabolism, or metabolic rate, will change based on each of these factors.

What conclusion can be drawn from this text?

Both a healthy diet and frequent exercise are needed to keep humans healthy. Humans should try to balance the amount of food and exercise they do, too much or too little of either can lead to health problems.

What conclusion can be drawn from this text?

The phagocytes, the lymph nodes, the spleen and thymus gland, taken together make up the immune system. When the immune system comes into play, the body is said to be making an immune response. This response protects the body against invaders such as bacteria, viruses and foreign proteins.

What conclusion can be drawn from this text?

Other factors affect health too, including inherited factors. For example, the cholesterol level in the blood can affect health. Cholesterol is made in the liver and is needed for healthy cell membranes. However, too much cholesterol in the blood increases the risk of heart disease and diseased arteries.

What conclusion can be drawn from this text?

Phospholipids form part of the cell membrane; the membrane also contains enzymes, antigens, receptors, carbohydrates and steroids. It is only visible with a scanning electron microscope set to at least 100,000 times magnification.

What conclusion can be drawn from this text?

In animal cells, the Golgi apparatus may produce lysosomes, a vesicle containing a concentrated mix of digestive enzymes. They are involved in the breakdown of imported food vacuoles. Inside plant cells, the apparatus produces the polysaccharide macromolecules starch and cellulose, which are needed for cell wall formation.

What conclusion can be drawn from this text?

Your lungs have a natural cleaning system. One important mechanism are little air sacs (alveoli) that help your lungs absorb oxygen as you inhale and help you expel carbon dioxide. Smoking causes these air sacs to degrade, which inhibits the exchange of gas to the lungs and makes it harder for you to get the oxygen you need.

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