Contoh Soal Attitude in communication
Contoh Soal Attitude in communication - The texts contain some values of how we are supposed to be responsible and care for the world, nature and their surroundings.
Here is one example:
Forest is a vast area where many trees and other plants live. We can find many forests in all over the world; either tropical countries or non-tropical countries. Forest is an important component of earth’s life. The trees in the forest clean the air and conserve heat at night. That’s why forest is considered to be the lungs of the world.
Forest provides habitat to different types of organisms. The trees give protection for the animals like birds to build their nest and insects to live on their branches and trunks. The trees are also absorbing the carbon dioxide and release oxygen for all balance of their surroundings. They make the air clean and healthier.
One of the largest forests in the world is in Kalimantan. With more than 40.8 million acres area, it is a natural habitat for orangutan, elephant, rhinoceros, deer, tapir and many more animals. Some of the animals now are almost extinct mostly becauseof the illegal hunting.
The text above tells us about the forest. It is not only describes what a forest is, but it also informs us animals that lives in the forest and the cause of some animals’ extinction. Texts about nature or world phenomena usually use words related to nature, such as: forest, area, animals, plants, organism, air, world, habitat, etc.
Forest is a vast area where many trees and other plants live. We can find many forests in all over the world; either tropical countries or non-tropical countries. Forest is an important component of earth’s life. The trees in the forest clean the air and conserve heat at night. That’s why forest is considered to be the lungs of the world.
One of the largest forests in the world is in Kalimantan. With more than 40.8 million acres area, it is a natural habitat for orangutan, elephant, rhinoceros, deer, tapir and many more animals. Some of the animals now are almost extinct mostly becauseof the illegal hunting.
The text above tells us about the forest. It is not only describes what a forest is, but it also informs us animals that lives in the forest and the cause of some animals’ extinction. Texts about nature or world phenomena usually use words related to nature, such as: forest, area, animals, plants, organism, air, world, habitat, etc.
Read the following text and answer the questions provided below.
Question number 1 to 4 is based on the following text.
Bigfoot is one of the world mysteries. It is a really tall creature (some said it is more than two or three meters height), human like but with lots of hair, and gorilla like but it can walk on its two feet. In short, it is said to be the mixed between human and primate.
Bigfoot has been seen in several areas in the United States of America, and Canada. It usually appeared near mountainous areas with lots of trees. Plenty of people reported to have seen it and some even captured it with a camera. Some others have found a gigantic footprint on the ground. Until now, if you type “bigfoot” in the search engine in internet, you can see some pictures portrayed a big hairy monkey-human like with extra-large food.
However, like Yeti and Loch Ness monster, no one can actually prove the existence of Bigfoot scientifically. Some scientists even refuse to agree on its existence. Therefore, Bigfoot’s existence is still debatable, whether it is real or only a product of human’s vast imagination.
Question number 1 to 4 is based on the following text.
Bigfoot is one of the world mysteries. It is a really tall creature (some said it is more than two or three meters height), human like but with lots of hair, and gorilla like but it can walk on its two feet. In short, it is said to be the mixed between human and primate.
However, like Yeti and Loch Ness monster, no one can actually prove the existence of Bigfoot scientifically. Some scientists even refuse to agree on its existence. Therefore, Bigfoot’s existence is still debatable, whether it is real or only a product of human’s vast imagination.
Which of the following is NOT TRUE about the appearance of a Bigfoot?
Read the following text and answer the questions provided below.
Question number 1 to 4 is based on the following text.
Bigfoot is one of the world mysteries. It is a really tall creature (some said it is more than two or three meters height), human like but with lots of hair, and gorilla like but it can walk on its two feet. In short, it is said to be the mixed between human and primate.
Bigfoot has been seen in several areas in the United States of America, and Canada. It usually appeared near mountainous areas with lots of trees. Plenty of people reported to have seen it and some even captured it with a camera. Some others have found a gigantic footprint on the ground. Until now, if you type “bigfoot” in the search engine in internet, you can see some pictures portrayed a big hairy monkey-human like with extra-large food.
However, like Yeti and Loch Ness monster, no one can actually prove the existence of Bigfoot scientifically. Some scientists even refuse to agree on its existence. Therefore, Bigfoot’s existence is still debatable, whether it is real or only a product of human’s vast imagination.
Question number 1 to 4 is based on the following text.
Bigfoot is one of the world mysteries. It is a really tall creature (some said it is more than two or three meters height), human like but with lots of hair, and gorilla like but it can walk on its two feet. In short, it is said to be the mixed between human and primate.
Bigfoot has been seen in several areas in the United States of America, and Canada. It usually appeared near mountainous areas with lots of trees. Plenty of people reported to have seen it and some even captured it with a camera. Some others have found a gigantic footprint on the ground. Until now, if you type “bigfoot” in the search engine in internet, you can see some pictures portrayed a big hairy monkey-human like with extra-large food.
However, like Yeti and Loch Ness monster, no one can actually prove the existence of Bigfoot scientifically. Some scientists even refuse to agree on its existence. Therefore, Bigfoot’s existence is still debatable, whether it is real or only a product of human’s vast imagination.
The word “mixed” in 3 is closest in meaning with …
Read the following text and answer the questions provided below.
Question number 1 to 4 is based on the following text.
Bigfoot is one of the world mysteries. It is a really tall creature (some said it is more than two or three meters height), human like but with lots of hair, and gorilla like but it can walk on its two feet. In short, it is said to be the mixed between human and primate.
Bigfoot has been seen in several areas in the United States of America, and Canada. It usually appeared near mountainous areas with lots of trees. Plenty of people reported to have seen it and some even captured it with a camera. Some others have found a gigantic footprint on the ground. Until now, if you type “bigfoot” in the search engine in internet, you can see some pictures portrayed a big hairy monkey-human like with extra-large food.
However, like Yeti and Loch Ness monster, no one can actually prove the existence of Bigfoot scientifically. Some scientists even refuse to agree on its existence. Therefore, Bigfoot’s existence is still debatable, whether it is real or only a product of human’s vast imagination.
Question number 1 to 4 is based on the following text.
Bigfoot is one of the world mysteries. It is a really tall creature (some said it is more than two or three meters height), human like but with lots of hair, and gorilla like but it can walk on its two feet. In short, it is said to be the mixed between human and primate.
Bigfoot has been seen in several areas in the United States of America, and Canada. It usually appeared near mountainous areas with lots of trees. Plenty of people reported to have seen it and some even captured it with a camera. Some others have found a gigantic footprint on the ground. Until now, if you type “bigfoot” in the search engine in internet, you can see some pictures portrayed a big hairy monkey-human like with extra-large food.
However, like Yeti and Loch Ness monster, no one can actually prove the existence of Bigfoot scientifically. Some scientists even refuse to agree on its existence. Therefore, Bigfoot’s existence is still debatable, whether it is real or only a product of human’s vast imagination.
Why Bigfoot is still considered as mystery?
Read the following text and answer the questions provided below.
Question number 1 to 4 is based on the following text.
Bigfoot is one of the world mysteries. It is a really tall creature (some said it is more than two or three meters height), human like but with lots of hair, and gorilla like but it can walk on its two feet. In short, it is said to be the mixed between human and primate.
Bigfoot has been seen in several areas in the United States of America, and Canada. It usually appeared near mountainous areas with lots of trees. Plenty of people reported to have seen it and some even captured it with a camera. Some others have found a gigantic footprint on the ground. Until now, if you type “bigfoot” in the search engine in internet, you can see some pictures portrayed a big hairy monkey-human like with extra-large food.
However, like Yeti and Loch Ness monster, no one can actually prove the existence of Bigfoot scientifically. Some scientists even refuse to agree on its existence. Therefore, Bigfoot’s existence is still debatable, whether it is real or only a product of human’s vast imagination.
Question number 1 to 4 is based on the following text.
Bigfoot is one of the world mysteries. It is a really tall creature (some said it is more than two or three meters height), human like but with lots of hair, and gorilla like but it can walk on its two feet. In short, it is said to be the mixed between human and primate.
Bigfoot has been seen in several areas in the United States of America, and Canada. It usually appeared near mountainous areas with lots of trees. Plenty of people reported to have seen it and some even captured it with a camera. Some others have found a gigantic footprint on the ground. Until now, if you type “bigfoot” in the search engine in internet, you can see some pictures portrayed a big hairy monkey-human like with extra-large food.
However, like Yeti and Loch Ness monster, no one can actually prove the existence of Bigfoot scientifically. Some scientists even refuse to agree on its existence. Therefore, Bigfoot’s existence is still debatable, whether it is real or only a product of human’s vast imagination.
The following words have close meaning to the word “gigantic”, EXCEPT …
Read the following text and answer the questions provided below.
Question number 5 to 6 is based on the following text.
Flood is a common disaster in Indonesia. Flood is happening when overflow water immersed dry land. Some causes of flood are heavy rain, water dam leak where water escaping its boundaries, the rising of river flows and abundant of rubbish.
Jakarta, the capital city of Indonesia, welcomes flood almost every year. It is becoming common thing for Indonesian people to watch flood news in Jakarta through their television at home. Jakarta has very dense population with less natural conservations. There are more high office buildings and apartments there rather than city parks. Trees and green areas canactually be used as water infiltration. They absorb over spilled water and preserve it in the ground. The city constructions of buildings gnawed the solid structure of earth. When the structure of earth disturbed and less trees and plants grow, flood happens.
The bad habit of some people who like to throw their garbage everywhere is another cause. Garbage or dump can be piled and slogged up the flows of water. Even many rivers in Jakarta contain lots of rubbish and waste. Experts believed that Jakarta will have some difficulties in overcoming the problem of flood. The work to solve this problem is not only relying on the government but also on the citizens of Jakarta.
Question number 5 to 6 is based on the following text.
Flood is a common disaster in Indonesia. Flood is happening when overflow water immersed dry land. Some causes of flood are heavy rain, water dam leak where water escaping its boundaries, the rising of river flows and abundant of rubbish.
Jakarta, the capital city of Indonesia, welcomes flood almost every year. It is becoming common thing for Indonesian people to watch flood news in Jakarta through their television at home. Jakarta has very dense population with less natural conservations. There are more high office buildings and apartments there rather than city parks. Trees and green areas canactually be used as water infiltration. They absorb over spilled water and preserve it in the ground. The city constructions of buildings gnawed the solid structure of earth. When the structure of earth disturbed and less trees and plants grow, flood happens.
The bad habit of some people who like to throw their garbage everywhere is another cause. Garbage or dump can be piled and slogged up the flows of water. Even many rivers in Jakarta contain lots of rubbish and waste. Experts believed that Jakarta will have some difficulties in overcoming the problem of flood. The work to solve this problem is not only relying on the government but also on the citizens of Jakarta.
The following are causes of flood, EXCEPT …
The word “overflow” is synonymous with these following words, EXCEPT …
According to the text, why does city parks more important than high buildings?
The meaning of “absorb” is …
A healthy diet is one that helps maintain or improve overall health. A healthy diet provides the body with essential nutrition: fluid, adequate essential amino acids from protein, essential fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, and adequate calories. The requirements for a healthy diet can be met from a variety of plant-based and animal-based foods. A healthy diet supports energy needs and provides for human nutrition without exposure to toxicity or excessive weight gain from consuming excessive amounts. Where lack of calories is not an issue, a properly balanced diet (in addition to exercise) is also thought to be important for lowering health risks, such as obesity, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, hypertension and cancer. Various nutrition guides are published by medical and governmental institutions to educate the public on what they should be eating to promote health. Nutrition facts labels are also mandatory in some countries to allow consumers to choose between foods based on the components relevant to health.
What is a diet according to the text?
The word “famous” is synonymous with these words, EXCEPT …