Contoh Soal Using English in Public Speaking, MC, Host, News Anchor

Contoh Soal Using English in Public Speaking , MC, Host, News AnchorFor some people, it’s exciting to speak in front of an audience although it’s threatening for others. How about you? How do you feel when you are standing and speaking before so many people?
In this lesson, we are talking about public speaking. As we have learned before, public speaking is the process or act of performing a presentation (a speech) focused around an individual directly speaking to a live audience in a structured, deliberate manner in order to inform or entertain them.
The public speaking here includes delivering a speech, doing debate, being a news anchor, being an MC, being a TV host, and being a radio broadcaster.

Speech says that a speech is the faculty or power of speaking; ability to express one’s thoughts and emotions by speech sounds and gestures.
Here is an example of a part of a speech:
Mr. Lanang:
Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. It is an honor to be here as a speaker in this charity event. I’d like to congratulate us on launching this fundraising campaign in which many organizations are involved.
We see that Mr. Lanang is a speaker in a charity event who is delivering a speech.

News Anchor

A news anchor is a person who presents news during a news program on television, on the radio or on the internet.
Here is an example of a part of a speech:
(Ms. Gendhis: .…)
This is Gendhis Manisku.

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Serving you the latest and the most leading news of the hour. For the headlines: Karo tourists undaunted by eruptions. Here is the detail. Foreign tourists remain keen to visit the cool-weather Karo regency in North Sumatra, despite the continued eruption of Mount Sinabung. Tourist Tan Sin Kok of Malaysia said that when Mount Sinabung started to erupt five years ago, it had initially deterred him from visiting the region. Tan has been visiting Karo alone since Saturday and said he had enjoyed witnessing the eruption, with Mount Sinabung spewing pyroclastic flows. This is Gendhis reporting. See you in one hour in another headline.
We see that Ms. Gendhis Manisku is a news anchor who is delivering headline news on TV.

Master of Ceremony (MC)

According to, an MC is the official host of a staged event or similar performance. An MC usually presents performers, speaks to the audience, entertains people, and generally keeps the events moving.
Here is an example of a part of a speech:
(Mr. Putra: .…)
Good evening ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the 2015 Cimahi Beauty Pageant. We have twenty contestants of the most talented girls in Cimahi competing this evening. So, let’s meet the twenty girls who will introduce themselves.
We see that Mr. Putra is an MC who opens an event and introduces performers (contestants).

TV host.

A TV host is someone who presents or leads a certain show. Most of the time their job includes things like introducing or interviewing guests, announcing special segments, interacting with the audience, and discussing the topic of the episode.
Here is an example of a part of a speech:
(Ms. Putri: .…)
Good morning everyone! Welcome to the Ladies Talk Show. This morning, we have two special guests in the studio. These are very special guests because they come from Mars, our neighbor planet.
We see that Ms. Putri is a host in a talk show who will have two special guests from Mars.

Radio Broadcaster

A radio broadcaster presents news, gossip, music and current events over the airways to an audience. They may also interview gusts and promote local events and festivals.
Here is an example of a part of a speech:
(Mr. Dewa: .…)
Hello listeners, here I am Dewa will inform you this week ten best pop songs in Denpasar. Starting from number ten, Ashanti with Mengapa. Let’s listen to this song.
We see that Mr. Dewa is a radio broadcaster who is broadcasting a music program.


A debate is a process of communication in which the participants argue for and against a certain topic. 
There are some terms in a debate:
  • Affirmative team: a team to support the topic.
  • Negative team: a team to oppose the topic.
  • Proposition (also called resolution or motion): the topic for debate.
  • Cross-examination: ask questions to the other team after a speech.
  • Judges (or critics or adjudicators): sometimes give comments and advice so that debaters can improve their speeches.
Here is an example of a part of a speech:
Honorable adjudicators, time keeper, my beloved team opponent, and the member of the House, thanks for the time given to me as the first speaker from the affirmative team. Let me introduce myself and my teammate. I’m Rinda Nurwidi as the first speaker. I will deliver arguments from the social point of view, Ayu Dewanti as the second speaker will deliver arguments from the economy point of view and the last, Dito Godang as the third speaker will deliver the arguments from health point of view. Our motion today is “Smoking Should Be Banned”
We see that Rinda Nurwidi is the first speaker in a debate. There are some terms such as adjudicators, affirmative team, first speaker, second speaker, third speaker, arguments, motion, showing that it is a debate.

Contoh Soal Using English in Public Speaking: MC, Host, News Anchor

“From that explanation, we can conclude that the motion Women should not work outside home cannot be applied these days.”

The sentence above is a part of ….

“Hello happy listeners, after a nice song from Boyzone, requested by Nurma in Godean. You are still with me, Nana Melodya. We are now back with dr. Aries Setyabudi, talking about the dangers of snoring.”

What does Nana Melodya do? She is a/an ….
Read and answer questions 3 and 4.
“Welcome back to Moda TV smart quiz, “What’s My Job”, with me Gober Untung. Today we have a mystery guest in that box who will answer yes and no questions asked by the panelists. The three panelists are Lorensa - an artist, Mario – a dentist, and Professor Morgan – a lecturer ….”
What occasion is it?
Read and answer questions 3 and 4.
“Welcome back to Moda TV smart quiz, “What’s My Job”, with me Gober Untung. Today we have a mystery guest in that box who will answer yes and no questions asked by the panelists. The three panelists are Lorensa - an artist, Mario – a dentist, and Professor Morgan – a lecturer ….”
What does Gober Untung do? He is a/an ….
Read and answer questions 5 and 6.
“Good evening, I’m Joe. Welcome to Mary and Joe’s wedding reception. We are done with the solemn part of the celebration and we thank to friends who were with us at the wedding ceremony. Now, welcome to the reception for our newlyweds in celebration of the beginning of the new life. Please locate your reception seats and make yourself comfortable. We are about to begin our Dinner Reception.”
In what occasion is the above script public speaking delivered? It is on ....
Read and answer questions 5 and 6.
“Good evening, I’m Joe. Welcome to Mary and Joe’s wedding reception. We are done with the solemn part of the celebration and we thank to friends who were with us at the wedding ceremony. Now, welcome to the reception for our newlyweds in celebration of the beginning of the new life. Please locate your reception seats and make yourself comfortable. We are about to begin our Dinner Reception.”
What does Joe do? He is a/an ….
Read and answer questions 7 and 8.
“Good afternoon. With me, Talisania, we come to “One Minute One TV Breaking News”. There was a student fight in Sudirman Street this afternoon. One student got stabbed on his back and in Lampung, two elephants were found dead by the river. And in Padang, .…”
The sentences above are parts of ….
Read and answer questions 7 and 8.
“Good afternoon. With me, Talisania, we come to “One Minute One TV Breaking News”. There was a student fight in Sudirman Street this afternoon. One student got stabbed on his back and in Lampung, two elephants were found dead by the river. And in Padang, .…”
What does Talisania do? She is a/an ….
Read and answer questions 9 and 10.
“Thank you very much for inviting me to this great student seminar, to share what I learn and I know about the best learning methods for students. I am Rika Nyong. Now I’m teaching in some universities in Surabaya. In this occasion, first of all I’d like to talk about my own experiences when I was a student. I was not a smart student. It’s hard for me to grasp teachers’ explanation. However, I always got good scores. Why? ....”
The sentences above are parts of .…
Read and answer questions 9 and 10.
“Thank you very much for inviting me to this great student seminar, to share what I learn and I know about the best learning methods for students. I am Rika Nyong. Now I’m teaching in some universities in Surabaya. In this occasion, first of all I’d like to talk about my own experiences when I was a student. I was not a smart student. It’s hard for me to grasp teachers’ explanation. However, I always got good scores. Why? ....”
What does Rika Nyong do? She is a/an ….

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