Contoh Soal Review , Asking and Stating Opinion

Contoh Soal Review , Asking and Stating OpinionBy reading this, you will be able to ask, state, and write opinions on certain topics with the help of certain language expressions.

Opinion vs Facts

Before you come to see some expressions of stating and asking opinion and learn about it, it is better for you to understand what an opinion is on the first place.
If you try to type “opinion” in a search engine or even open your dictionary, there will be hundreds or even thousands explanations of it.
Here, we are not to argue which one is correct, and which one is incorrect, but you are reading this simply to learn how to give an opinion properly within certain contexts as well as differentiating it from fact. For instance, if we talk about an elephant, some of these questions might be asked:
  • What kind of animal is it?
  • How many legs does it have?
  • Is it a wild or tamed animal?
  • Is it a big or small animal?
Have you got the answers for each question? It’s easy, isn’t it? You don’t have to write down your answer, just keep it for yourself.
What is interesting here is that your answer for the first and the second questions are going to be the same if you ask those to every person in the world, but it is going to be different for the third and the fourth questions.
How is this possible? It is possible because the first and second will lead to factual information where the information is non-arguable. In contrast, the third and the fourth will lead to an opinion where the information is still arguable.

So the simple conclusion is:

A Fact: Non-arguable information

An Opinion: Arguable information

As we have already learned what is a fact and what is an opinion in a text, it means it’s time to move to more productive skills; to ask and to state an opinion also to response in a dialogue and in a writing of an opinion questions.
You may be wondering, “Why is it only focused on an opinion?” The answer is –as stated in a title – we are here to learn only stating and asking opinion. As for fact, it will be discussed on the other chapter.


A dialogue is a process of exchanging information between two people or more on certain topics. As a dialogue is normally triggered by a question and an answer, here are some lists of stating, giving and responding an opinion.

Do you understand?

Here are some examples of the use of those expressions in dialogues
Dialogue 1
Mary : What do you think about our new apartment?
Rifqy : I feel that this place is very nice; the lovely garden, the refreshing fish pond, and the big parking space
Mary : That’s exactly what I think. But would you agree that the paint is a bit shady?

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Rifqy : Well, I’m afraid I have to disagree with you on that. I think the color perfectly fits.
Mary : I think we are on a different page about the paint.
Dialogue 2
Aziz : So, do you think you have a lot of friends?
Riana : I guess so.
Aziz : What do you think makes a good friend?
Riana : Well, for starters, a good friend helps you when you’re in trouble.
Aziz : But do you think that’s the most valued thing in a friend?
Riana : Yes, friends do help each other. I do think so.

Contoh Soal Review , Asking and Stating Opinion

Complete the dialogue below.
Rei: Do you have any idea for our next trip?
Jen : How about....?
Rei : Great idea.
Complete the dialogue below.
Dira : What do you think about the film?
Farra : I think, ....
Complete the sentence below.
___________________ the boys are polite.
Complete the dialogue below.
Eric : I think this city is getting hotter.
Inda : I don’t think so. ___________ this city is much cooler than other cities in this country.
Ujang : How do you feel about the disaster in Aceh on December 26, 2004? 
Kini : I feel it a human race tragedy
The underlined word expresses....
Complete the dialogue with the proper phrases.
Danang : What can you say about our new BIology teacher?
Rinrin : ______________ he is okay
Complete the sentence below.
I think _______________
Complete the dialogue below.
Tini : ______________
Izy : I guess Italy will be the champion

“Would you mind telling me what you think of my new dress?”

The following answers are acceptable, EXCEPT...
If you want to ask someone's opinion, you will say the following expression, EXCEPT...

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