Contoh Soal Listening , Dialogue about Embarassment

Contoh Soal Listening ,  Dialogue about Embarassment
picture by: Mitoko Hikari

Have you ever told people about the most embarrassing moment in your life?

How do they react when you tell them about your embarrassing moment? In this lesson you will learn how to understand the dialogue related to the embarrassing events or experiences. There will be several dialogues about embarrassment, but before that, it will be better to review some expressions that can be used to express embarrassment and how to respond to those expressions of embarrassment.
When saying those expressions, consider the situation that you are involved in. If it is a formal situation, it will be better to use the expressions in ‘More Formal’ box, while the expressions in ‘Less Formal’ box are usually used in informal situation.
Now, let’s see how the expressions above are used in the conversation. Listen to the following dialogue.
Did you hear any expression that indicates embarrassment or any response to the expression of embarrassment? In the dialogue, Dira asked Bella about what happened at the festival the day before; but Bella did not want to tell Dira or anyone about it. Why? You could find out the reason in the dialogue.
If you paid attention to what Bella said in the dialogue, you would hear that she said “No, I am so embarrassed about what happened. I will not tell anyone about it.”
The phrase in bold is her expression of embarrassment. It is also the reason why Bella do not want to tell anyone about it. She thinks that what happened at the festival was embarrassing so she does not want anyone to know about it.
After Bella expressed her embarrassment, Dira responded to her: “It must be really embarrassing for you that you won’t even tell me about it".
The bold phrase is Dira’s response to Bella’s expression of embarrassment. The expressions that are used in the conversation implies that both of them are friends (or even close friends) since they talk in less formal way. It also shows that the situation is informal. 
Now, listen to another dialogue between a reporter and a famous presenter. The reporter interviewed a famous presenter about the most embarrassing moment in her life.
What did the presenter say about her first experience becoming an MC?
The presenter told the reporter that the first time she became an MC the audience were confused by what she said because she stuttered a lot. Her first time becoming an MC was such an embarrassment for her. The conversation happened in a formal situation and that is why the presenter expressed her embarrassment in a formal way.

Do you understand?

Now, listen to the following dialogue and try to answer the question.
Ana feels …… about the photos.
a. Happy
b. Amazing
c. Angry
d. Embarrassed
e. Sad
Answer and Explanation:
From the dialogue we could tell that Ana feels embarrassed about the photos. When Lia told her about what her mother had just showed her, Ana reacted embarrassingly and asked her mother to stop showing the photos to Lia.
In the conversation, Ana said an expression to show her embarrassment. Since the conversation happened in an informal situation, Ana used an informal expression to show her embarrassment. Can you tell what the expression is?

Contoh Soal Listening ,  Dialogue about Embarassment

Listen to the dialogue and answer question 1 to 4
Risa and Gina are talking about ….
Listen to the dialogue and answer question 1 to 4
Gina thinks that the competition was ….
Listen to the dialogue and answer question 1 to 4
Gina felt ashamed because ….
Listen to the dialogue and answer question 1 to 4
Risa responded to Gina’s expression of embarrassment by saying ….
The following dialogue is for question 5 and 6.
The reason Azra wants to talk to Devi is because….
The following dialogue is for question 5 and 6.
To express her embarrassment about the grade, Devi said ….
Answer question 7 to 10 by listening to the conversation between Cici and Hanna.
The following statement is true according to the conversation ….

Answer question 7 to 10 by listening to the conversation between Cici and Hanna.
When Cici asked Hanna if she is okay, Hanna responded to her by saying “I’m fine, but I am so embarrassed.”
Listen to the dialogue again and identify the error from the sentence below:
I’m fine, but I am so embarrassed.

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