Contoh Soal Writing ,Hortatory Exposition – Theme Schooling and Education

Contoh Soal Writing ,Hortatory Exposition – Theme Schooling and EducationIn books, articles, or newspapers we will find many types of argumentative texts. In this lesson, you will learn about one of argumentative texts called hortatory exposition.
Hortatory exposition text talks about a certain topic. It aims at persuading people to or not to do something by presenting arguments concerning the topic discussed.

The Purpose

Hortatory exposition text has a purpose to persuade people that something should or should not be done by providing argument for or against the case.

Generic Structure

There are three essential parts in hortatory exposition text:
1. Thesis
Thesis is the general statement of the topic discussed.
2. Arguments
The reasons that will lead to recommendation.
3. Recommendation
The suggestion of what should be or should not be done based on the stated arguments.

Language Feature

In general, hortatory exposition texts use simple present tense. It also uses connective words (such as first, second, next, etc) to help you connecting the arguments.

Do you understand?

Example of hortatory text:

How is it different from Analytic Exposition?

Analytic exposition text only delivers the arguments on certain topic without persuading the readers to do something. On the other hand, hortatory exposition text delivers the arguments, and tries to persuade the readers in the end.

Contoh Soal Writing ,Hortatory Exposition – Theme Schooling and Education

The text has purpose to ….
One of the following sentences is part of thesis statement ….
The paragraph that argues extracurricular helps students in time management is ….
Based on the presented arguments, the recommendation you can give is ….
Identify the generic structure of the paragraph.
The following paragraph is part of hortatory exposition text.
The place and location where the educational process takes place is an important factor in measuring the quality. A good environment supports the learning process to run smoothly. When the environment is quiet and peaceful, it will create more conducive atmosphere for the students to learn. In that way, teacher, students, and parents do not need to worry about the condition of the place.
The paragraph above belongs to ….
Identify the generic structure of the paragraph.
The following paragraph is part of hortatory exposition text.
Education is an important aspect in our life. It holds a vital role in a country’s development. A country will thrive only when they have a good quality of education. Indonesia itself is still struggling to improve its quality of education. There are several aspects that should be considered by the government.
The paragraph above belongs to ….
Identify the generic structure of the paragraph.
The following paragraph is part of hortatory exposition text.
The most important aspect to improve the quality of our education is the teaching staff. All teachers should be qualified. A good educational system will not have much impact without a good teacher. Therefore, the quality of the teacher is crucial.
The paragraph above belongs to ….
Identify the generic structure of the paragraph.
The following paragraph is part of hortatory exposition text.
The school facilities are also important to support the educational process. A school with good facilities will likely be able to produce a better outcome. When teachers have all the facilities they need to teach, there is no reason for them to be negligent. Sufficient facilities, if used accordingly, will allow teachers and students to reach their optimum potential.
The paragraph above belongs to ….
Identify the generic structure of the paragraph.
The following paragraph is part of hortatory exposition text.
The government should be able to provide sufficient facilities for every school across the nation. They should give more attention to the school in the rural area. The teachers and students there should be able to access a good education, just like those who are in the city. Moreover, the teachers’ quality as well as their prosperity should be improved accordingly. There should be a tight selection process for the teachers-to-be. If those aspects are implemented accordingly, the quality of education in Indonesia will improve.
The paragraph above belongs to ….
The correct arrangement for the text is ....

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