Contoh Soal Understanding Hortatory Exposition Text

Contoh Soal Understanding Hortatory Exposition Text In this lesson, you will learn how to understand hortatory exposition texts both in reading comprehension and writing.

Hortatory Exposition Text

       In learning English, you should learn various types of texts to get its understanding and comprehension while you are reading or trying to write. However, in this lesson you will only focus on understanding hortatory exposition texts.

Definition of Hortatory Exposition Text

       Hortatory exposition text is a text that represents the writer’s standpoint (point of view; opinion) of an issue, involving facts and belief to show the readers that something should or should not be done. It is like a personal writing, but the writer emphasizes some points to show how important an issue is. This kind of text is included in the group of argumentation texts. The issue usually explains about education, environment, laws, etc. You can find this text in some journals, research reports, or newspapers.
       In order to understand a hortatory exposition, you should know its social function, generic structures, and its language features as a foundation in writing skills and reading comprehension.

Social Function of Hortatory Exposition Text

       Hortatory exposition text aims to persuade the readers that an issue should or should not be approached in a certain way. The writer tries to influence the readers by giving some arguments to make the readers understand the writers’ standpoint or point of view. All the arguments and facts are presented to create some common sense of the readers.

Generic Structures of Hortatory Exposition Text

       A well-written text is organized by generic structures or how a text is organized. Different texts will have different structures. Thus, in constructing a hortatory exposition text, you should pay attention to these generic structures:
  • Thesis: This part is also called as an introductory statement where the writers mention their standpoint to get readers’ attention.
  • Arguments: To support a standpoint, the writer needs to add some arguments. Giving more than one argument to explain why the issue is important. More arguments will make the text more convincing. Remember to include what is necessary to make your standpoint easy to understand by the readers.
  • Recommendation: The recommendation part is a closing statement that influences the readers to do an action in a certain way. It also includes persuasion, or statements that encourage the readers to act and do something real to solve a problem or address an issue.

Language Features of Hortatory Exposition Text

       In writing a hortatory exposition text, you should pay attention to the following language features:
Focus on writer’s standpoint
For example: 
It is a very crucial issue.
You should stand-up against bullying or its victims will get negative impacts for a long time.
Use abstract noun; impact, influences, etc.
For example: 
- Bullying has many negative impacts that parents should be aware of.
Use action verb. 
For example:
- Bullying damages mental health of students who are bullied by others.
Use modals such as: can, may, etc.
For example:
- They may have traumatic feeling.
- This disappointment can emerge dudgeon.
Use simple present tense to construct the simple or complex sentences to show that the statements are about facts.
For example:
- Drugs problem even occurs among students at school. 
- Bullying is an action that is performed by certain people or a group to harm others.
Use some connecting words such as: firstly, secondly, etc.
For example:
Secondly, bullying can change someone into an antisocial person.
Use advice word such as “should” or “would better” to persuade the reader to do something in a good way.
For example:
- You should care for the victims.
While in reading hortatory exposition text, you need to understand the text by comprehending the main idea of each paragraph, identifying the social function and its generic structures, and understanding the writer’s recommendation to the case (this is shown in the last paragraph) as well as making some conclusion about the case or issue that the writer tried to solve.

Contoh Soal Understanding Hortatory Exposition Text

Read the text below to answer questions number 1 to 3.
What part is the paragraph above? Choose the right answer here ....
The main idea of the text above is ....
What is the best word to replace "huge" in the first sentence of the paragraph above? Choose the right answer from the following options: ....
Read the text below to answer question number 4 to 10.
What is the best title for the text above? Choose one of the following options:
Read the text below to answer question number 4 to 10.
The social function of the text above is ....
Read the text below to answer question number 4 to 10.
In paragraph 3, the word ‘his’ refers to ....
Read the text below to answer question number 4 to 10.
Choose a statement that is TRUE about bullying: ....
Read the text below to answer question number 4 to 10.
In the first paragraph, the closest meaning to the phrase “giving someone the bird” is ....
Read the text below to answer question number 4 to 10.
Which is NOT mentioned as one of bullying influences in the text above? Find the right answer by choosing one of the following options:
Read the text below to answer question number 4 to 10.
The writer's suggestion to the readers is ....

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