Contoh Soal Functional Text, Hortatory Exposition – Theme, Nature and Ecosystem

Contoh Soal Functional Text, Hortatory Exposition – Theme, Nature and EcosystemDo you all remember what hortatory exposition is? It is a functional text that is used to persuade the reader to do or not to do something. To persuade the readers through hortatory text, you need to state your stances/opinions/arguments well. You should express your thoughts about a certain issue that leads to the recommendation as you can see in the generic structure of hortatory exposition table below.
In expressing your stances, you can state weak and strong argument. In your hortatory exposition text, you can use certain verbs and adverbs that indicate weak and strong arguments.
To express your strong argument, you can use modal verbs or adverbs such as: will, form of “be” (am, is, are, was, were), cannot, always, certainly, clearly, definitely, never.
  • Smoking is definitely the central reason for his cancer.
  • We cannot protect our children all the time.
  • Indonesia will become a developed country in the future.
The words typed in bold in the sentences above are words that indicate strong arguments.
To express your weak or moderate argument, you can use modal verbs or adverbs such as: may, might, could, many, usually, often, probably, possibly, generally, perhaps, maybe.
  • Dogs may be the most loyal animal in the whole world.
  • The food could be poisonous for the flowers.
  • The development of the new highway might destroy the coral stone, so we need to stop it.
The words typed in bold in the sentences above are words that show weak/moderate arguments.

Contoh Soal Functional Text, Hortatory Exposition – Theme, Nature and Ecosystem

The purpose of the hortatory exposition text is ….
The followings are sentences you can use to express your stances, except ….
The followings are sentences you can use to express your stances, except ….
The followings are sentences you can use to express your strong stances, except ….
A part of a hortatory exposition that states the main idea of a topic discussed by the writer in the text is named ….
The followings are sentences you can use to express your weak or moderate stances, except ….
From the text above, we know that ….
The purpose of the text is ….
The statement “A fresh school environment may affect the concentration of the students in studying” in the text indicates ….
The following sentences from the text above express weak stance, except ….

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