Contoh Soal Listening ,Dialogue about Expressing Anger

Contoh Soal Listening ,Dialogue about Expressing AngerEveryone in the world must have experiences that make them angry. The emotion you feel in situation like this is called anger. It is a completely normal and usually healthy human emotion.
Why it is healthy? Because expressing your feeling is good for your soul. But when you cannot control your anger, it can turn destructive. It can lead into problems; problem at school, at home, between your friends, and in the overall quality of your life. It can also make you feel bad because you can control the unpredictable and powerful emotion.
When people are angry, sometimes they just keep silent. Some people express it by using gesture, for example, hit a table or slam a door. We can tell that someone is angry by what they say. In this lesson you will learn about expressions of anger.
Listen to this conversation and read the script.
Fania : I think those girls over there are talking about us?
Dewi : How do you know that?
Fania : They look at us every once in a while. It really gets on my nerves.
Dewi : Calm down, what if you’re wrong?
Fania : Ah, I can’t stand it anymore. Let’s get out of here.
What does the conversation tell you? How did the girls feel?
One of the girl said “It really gets on my nerves.” You say this phrase when you get irritated. You say this phrase when there is something or someone that is very annoying and you wish it to stop. As for “I can’t stand it anymore”, you also say this when you are angry or annoyed and wish it to stop.
For another example, please listen to this conversation and read the script.
Jihan: You want to see me. Ma’am?
Mrs. Indah: Yes. I want to talk to you?
Jihan: What is the problem?
Mrs. Indah: I found that you copied one of your friend’s assignments and I’m extremely unhappy with that.
Jihan: That is true. I was in a rush.
Mrs. Indah: This is extremely irritating.
Indah: I am so sorry. It won’t happen again.
What happened? Why was the woman angry? What did she said?
The woman said “I’m extremely unhappy with that.” which means something made her angry. She also said “This is extremely irritating.” You say this when you face a condition which makes you angry.

From those conversations, we know that when we express our anger, we don’t have to say bad words. Although we are angry, we don’t need to hurt people’s feeling by saying bad words.

Here are some expressions of anger:
• This is extremely irritating
• I can’t say I’m at all pleased …(by your product)
• I’m extremely displeased/angry/unhappy.
• I take great exception to …
• Oh, no…!
• Oh, dear…!
• I don't believe it!
• What a pain!
• It really gets on my nerves.
• I'm sick and tired of...
• I’m fed up with
• You’re such a pain in the neck
• I’m totally upset
• I’m extremely displeased
• He flared up at me
• Whatever!

Contoh Soal Listening ,Dialogue about Expressing Anger

The following conversation is for question 1 and 2
Lily was upset because ....
The following conversation is for question 1 and 2
Lily’s friend suggested her to ....
The following conversation is for question 3 and 4
The girl was angry because ....
The following conversation is for question 3 and 4
What would the girl do next? She would ....
The following conversation is for question 5 to 7
From the conversation, we know that they were ....
The following conversation is for question 5 to 7
Jenny switched the channel because ....
The following conversation is for question 5 to 7
The conversation probably took place ....
The following conversation is for question 8 to 10
The woman was unhappy because ....
The following conversation is for question 8 to 10
The delivery took a long time because ....
The following conversation is for question 8 to 10
The woman didn’t get any notice because ....

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