Contoh Soal Monologue about Functional Text Sport

Contoh Soal Monologue about Functional Text SportSport is a bound that unites us in daily life. Many of us watch the match such as football match together directly or indirectly, such as through television. Sport can make us a team. To know more about sport, in this section, we will learn about a short text of sport.
Everyday, we can see the review of some sports. We also can hear the commentator gives comment during a sport match, such as in football match, vollyball match, badminton match, etc. We can understand and have fun with the comment of the commentator.
However, in a sport review and comment, we can find a disticntive words or other characteristics. We are also demanded to give comment even a monologue on a certain sport sometimes. How to give it properly? Let’s get into that!
To optimize the impact of listening practice, you will need to work in pairs.
Read the monologue text carefully in a clear, correct pronunciation, and good intonation. Then, find the following information:
  • What is the monologue about?
  • What is Danny’s opinion on football?
  • Why is Danny angry?


Sport is an important activity that someone needs to do. Sport helps us to keep healthy and happy. One of my favorite sports is football. Football is not only a game for me. Playing football is like taking a fresh air. The fair play of football brings happiness to many of us. However, I feel unpleasant sometimes. There are many events that could make football as our bounding no matter our race, our age, and our belief into something horrible. Many people with narrow minded often make a chaos during the match and create fear to society. It is all nonsense. Football is a very positive activity! Please don’t make it bad by doing an irresponsible action. 

From the monologue above, we can see that:
  • Danny is giving a monologue about his favorit sport, football.
  • Danny loves football for its power to unite people. For Danny, football can bring happiness.
  • Danny is angry on some actions of some people during the football match that bring fear to society.
Can you see in which part Danny expressed his anger? Well, from the monologue, we can see that Danny expressed his anger by saying ‘It is all nonsense.’.
To enrich your skills in expressing the language functions, the following table shows some alternatives that you can use to express an unpleasant feeling or anger.

Contoh Soal Monologue about Functional Text Sport

For the writer, basketball is ...
The true statement according to the text is ....
The writer is displeased because ....
The word legends is best replaced by ....
Budi’s feeling about the news is that ....
The appropriate expression to complete the passage is ....
The correct statement according to the dialogue is ....
The writer loves volley ball because ....
The writer is ....
The word team in the text has a close meaning with ....

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