Contoh Soal How to Respond to Annoyance

Contoh Soal How to Respond to AnnoyanceIn daily life, people often complain about things that annoy them. When they express their annoyance, what can you say to respond to it? In this lesson, you will learn about responding to annoyance.
When someone talks to us about the things that annoy them, we need to respond to what they say. This is to show that we listen to them and not ignoring them. It’s the common courtesy in our society.
Read the following dialogue between Retno and her teacher.
Teacher: You’re late again! It’s the third time. I’m extremely displeased with your behavior.
Retno: I apologize, Sir. I was stuck in a traffic jam.
In the dialogue, the teacher expresses annoyance to Retno because she is late and Retno responds to it by saying ‘I apologize’ to show that she is sorry for what she did. What Retno says is a way to respond to annoyance. Here are other expressions that can be used to respond to annoyance:
  • Oh no!
  • Alright, Sir.
  • Oh, dear!
  • I’m very sorry.
  • I know what you mean.
  • It is extremely irritating.
  • I don’t like it either.
  • I do apologize
  • What a nuisance!
Take a look at another example:
Dodo: I cannot stand my brother, he is so annoying!
Iman: I know what you mean. My brother also annoys me sometimes.

Do you understand?

Pay attention to what Iman says: “I know what you mean”, it is the expression that is used to respond to annoyance.
The previous dialogues show different situation of responding to annoyance. In the first dialogue, Retno’s behavior annoys the teacher and he expresses his annoyance directly to Retno. When this situation happens to you, someone feels annoyed because of you and they say it directly to you.
Here are the expressions that you can use to respond to what they say.
  • Alright, Sir/Ma’am.
  • I’m very/really sorry.
  • I do apologize / I apologize.
Basically, you apologize to them because what you do annoys them.
On the other hand, the second dialogue shows different situation. Dodo tells his friend that he is annoyed by his brother. When someone expresses their annoyance to you but you are not the one who annoys them. Here are the expressions that you can say to respond to them:
  • Oh no!
  • Oh, dear!
  • I know what you mean.
  • It is extremely irritating.
  • I don’t like it either.
  • What a nuisance!
You should choose your response carefully. Consider the situation, whether it is formal or informal, and the people you talk to.

Contoh Soal How to Respond to Annoyance

extremely (1) - it (2) - irritating (3) - is (4)

The correct arrangement is …
Fika: They are so noisy. I cannot concentrate.
Anto: Yeah, what a nuisance!
What Anto says is a response to ….
One of the following expressions is used to respond to annoyance …
Complete the dialogue with the most appropriate word.
Teacher: Why didn’t you do your homework?
Student: I did the other exercise, Ma’am. I didn’t pay attention to what you said. I thought it was exercise 16, not exercise 6.
Teacher: I’m extremely ...(4) about this. 
Student: I’m very ...(5), Ma’am. I’ll do it today.
Teacher: Yes, you have to. Do exercise as well. Give it to me after school. If you do this again, there will be a severe punishment.
The most appropriate word to fill the blank is …
Complete the dialogue with the most appropriate word.
Teacher: Why didn’t you do your homework?
Student: I did the other exercise, Ma’am. I didn’t pay attention to what you said. I thought it was exercise 16, not exercise 6.
Teacher: I’m extremely ...(4) about this. 
Student: I’m very ...(5), Ma’am. I’ll do it today.
Teacher: Yes, you have to. Do exercise as well. Give it to me after school. If you do this again, there will be a severe punishment.
The most appropriate word to fill the blank is …
Read the dialogue and answer the question.
Erni: Hi, Wina. What’s wrong? You don’t look good.
Wina: It’s Roni. He didn’t do his part for our group work. 
Erni: Oh, dear! What happened then?
Wina: The teacher punished him and our group only got sixty points for it.
Erni: He deserves it.
The sentence that expresses response to annoyance is …
Study the dialogue.
Tono : I was walking on the sidewalk and there were so many motorcycles parked there. I can’t stand it, sidewalk is for pedestrian not for motorcycle.
Alya : I know, I don’t like it either. 
Tono : People are just so ignorant. They should have known that sidewalk is not a parking area.
Alya : I agree. It’s like they are stealing other people’s right. We have to do something to make them understand.
Tono : I have an idea. 
Alya : What is it?
Tono : Let’s go find Mr. Suryana first.
Alya : Fine.
The sentence/phrase that expresses response to annoyance is …
Read the dialogue and answer the question.
Joni: What happened to your hair?
Steve: There was gum on it, so I cut it. Why on earth did they put gum on my hair? It’s really irritating.
Joni: .... Someone did that to you? They’re too much.
The most appropriate expression to fill the blank is …
Complete the dialogue with the right expression.
Rio : Hi, Lia. Where have you been? I was looking for you.
Lia : I just came back from a meeting.
Rio : You said it was finished almost two hours ago.
Lia : The traffic jam was really bad. I was stuck for an hour! It makes me crazy.
Rio : ....(9)
Lia : I hate the traffic here. It annoys me.
Rio : Yeah, ....(10)
The most appropriate expression to fill the blank is …
Complete the dialogue with the right expression.
Rio : Hi, Lia. Where have you been? I was looking for you.
Lia : I just came back from a meeting.
Rio : You said it was finished almost two hours ago.
Lia : The traffic jam was really bad. I was stuck for an hour! It makes me crazy.
Rio : ....(9)
Lia : I hate the traffic here. It annoys me.
Rio : Yeah, ....(10)
The most appropriate expression to fill the blank is …

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