Contoh Soal Expressing Anger (politely and casually)

Contoh Soal Expressing Anger (politely and casually)In interacting and others, sometimes there are some things or incidents that happen to the opposite of our minds. These things can make us angry with the situations. We can also get upset to some people because their behaviors make us angry. Although we are not in a good mood, feeling upset and angry, it is very important to note that we have to control our anger. In expressing our anger, we have to do it properly. We can do it politely or casually. It depends on the people and the situations.
In this chapter, you are going to learn about the way to express anger politely as well as casually. At the end of this topic, you are expected to be able to express anger properly for various purposes in daily activities contexts.

Expressing Anger Politely

There are some reasons why people get angry to one another. It can be because of someone’s bad behavior or someone’s activity that disturbs us. Take for an example, the following conditions:
What if the our parents, in certain situation, do something that makes us angry? 
What if the your senior schoolmate accused you for something you did not do?
What if your teacher made a mistake when grading your paper?
The above conditions are some examples of formal conditions that can make you angry. Of course, we have to express our anger politely in the above conditions because we are facing people who are older than us. We can’t directly or harshly express our anger to them. We have to express it politely.
Look at the examples of expressing anger below:
  • I’m really unhappy about that. What’s wrong with you?
  • Oh dear! Why did you do that?
  • I can’t believe it!
Other ways that we can use in expressing anger politely are as follows:
  • I’m really unhappy about that.
  • Oh dear!
  • I can’t believe it!
  • I hate this!
  • I’m not pleased with the situations!
If someone is getting angry, we can notice easily from the way they act, from their silence, or from their body language. When someone is getting angry and we want to know what happen with him/her, we can say:
  • What happens with you? You speak nothing since this morning
  • What’s the matter? Tell me, please!
  • Are you angry?
  • What happens with you?
  • What’s the matter?
  • Are you angry?
  • You look so unhappy, any problem?

Expressing Anger Casually

Look at the following situation.
Your friend borrowed your book and returned it in a bad condition. 
You won a concert ticket but your brother forgot where to keep it. 
Someone used your mobile phone without permission.
The above situations are just some casual or informal conditions that can make you get angry.
In informal situation, if we are really angry to another, for example to our friends, we can express our anger freely without concerning about manners. We can just express our anger instantly. But remember, we have to control our anger because the aim of our anger it should be to make the situation better and to make others realize about their mistake, not to make it worse.
Look and learn the following examples below:
  • I can’t stand anymore! Go away from my sight!
  • It’s none of your business! Mind your own business!
  • I’m talking to you! Respect me!
There are some expressions that we can use in expressing anger casually:
  • I can’t stand anymore!
  • It’s not your business!
  • I’m talking to you!
  • What a nuisance!
  • What displeasure!
  • Bloody hell!

Do you understand?

Read carefully the following dialogue. You will learn how to put the expressions above in the real conversation.
Tiara! How can you not tell me the truth? You said that Vivi loves me too, but when I expressed my feeling, she refused my love. I’m so embarrassed, you know!
I just want you to be brave to express your feeling to her. I’m really sorry if this makes you upset.
I don’t need your explanation! How can you do this to me! What displeasure!
Enough! If I’m not lying, you will never express your feeling to her, right? I’m helping you. It’s better to know earlier about her feeling than you know nothing ever! Once again, I’m sorry!

Contoh Soal Expressing Anger (politely and casually)

Farrel : What are you doing, guys? It’s Fahrul’s bag.
Danu : Mind your own business!
Farrel : He is my buddy. Don’t do that!
The underlined expression is a kind of ….
Dinar : What happen with you Nisa? You look so annoyed.
Anisa : Dani always break his promise not to smoke any longer. I can’t stand him anymore. I saw him smoking yesterday.
Dinar : Really? I thought he has changed his bad routine.
Anisa : I guess so. It’s so hurt to accept this, but it’s over now.
Dinar : I’m sorry to hear that Nisa.
The gambit to express anger casually in the dialog above is ....
Mom : .... Why did you break all the glasses?
Dini : I hate Roni very much, mom! Siwi told me that she saw him in a café with the girl last night.
Mom : Did you check the information with him?
Dini : No, mom. Siwi must tell the truth. She never lies to me.
Mom : Well, if that’s true, you don’t have to do this all honey. Breaking the glasses is not solving your problem.
The best expression to complete the text is ….
Situation: Shinta is so mad to know that Rena, her close friend, tells the bad things about her to their friends. He doesn’t understand why Shinta does this to her as they are friends since junior high school.
Shinta: Rena, ... How could you tell the bad things about me to our classmates. Do I make a mistake to you? Get off my back, please! Stop doing this to me!
Rena: I don’t know what you’re talking about. I did nothing!
The correct answer to fill the blank and complete the conversation above is ....
The situation is for question number 5 – 6.
Situation: Faldy is waiting for Bina for 30 minutes. They promise to meet in front of the school gate, but Bina comes very late. He is so angry to Bina, and Faldy say sorry to him because of his mistakes. But Faldy doesn’t accept his apology.
Bina : You burn me up! I’m standing here half an hour ago, and have just come now. You really waste our time!

Faldy : I’m truly sorry Bina. I know this is my fault. I tried to call you many times, but it failed. 
Bina : .... (6) You know very well that my cell phone’s broken for a week.
Faldy : I’m sorry I forget about that. Please forgive me! I promise I won’t do that again. It’s the last. Now let’s be hurry to catch the train!
Bina : What? You’re the come latter, but you ask me to be hurry? Are you kidding me?
The idiom “burn me up!” means ....
The situation is for question number 5 – 6.
Situation: Faldy is waiting for Bina for 30 minutes. They promise to meet in front of the school gate, but Bina comes very late. He is so angry to Bina, and Faldy say sorry to him because of his mistakes. But Faldy doesn’t accept his apology.
Bina : You burn me up! I’m standing here half an hour ago, and have just come now. You really waste our time!

Faldy : I’m truly sorry Bina. I know this is my fault. I tried to call you many times, but it failed. 
Bina : .... (6) You know very well that my cell phone’s broken for a week.
Faldy : I’m sorry I forget about that. Please forgive me! I promise I won’t do that again. It’s the last. Now let’s be hurry to catch the train!
Bina : What? You’re the come latter, but you ask me to be hurry? Are you kidding me?
The right expression to fill blank number 6 is ....
  1. Daru : What did you say? What happens to you both?
  2. Ajeng : Ok, I’ll try.
  3. Daru : Don’t be selfish! It’s for our school and you both are the best candidates in this subject. Come on, just one week. And after that, it’s up to you!
  4. Ajeng : I quarreled with her last year, and we have never talked since then. It’s a disaster to have a team like her.
  5. Daru : Ajeng, where is Diana? We have to prepare the competition soon. We need her in our science team. You have a job to tell her, right?
  6. Ajeng : I don’t want to see her face anymore! Replace her to the other, or I quit from this team!
The best arrangement of the dialog above is ….
Complete the following dialogue below to answer number 8 – 10.
Mom: Viana, 8) ... How could you have bad scores almost in all subjects.
Viana: I’m sorry mom, I have tried. But it’s too difficult to understand it all.
Mom: No, it’s not because of you can’t do it all. It’s all because you have addicted with your laptop. I notice that you play your laptop all the time, everyday! 
Viana: But I like to be a good graphics designer mom. That’s why I use it all the time. 
Mom: I know that honey, but you must think of your school too 9) .... I don’t know what I have to tell to your father. For your punishment, you can only turn on your laptop for a couple hours in a day. It’s more than enough I think.
Viana: Mom, don’t do that, please. I promise I’ll manage my time between my study and my hobby. But please give me more time to access my laptop.
Mom: No, sweetie. Prove it first that you can manage your time or I’ll take your laptop. (10) ....
Viana: Ok, mom. I’m trying.
The option that is suitable to fill blank number 8 is ....
Complete the following dialogue below to answer number 8 – 10.
Mom: Viana, 8) ... How could you have bad scores almost in all subjects.
Viana: I’m sorry mom, I have tried. But it’s too difficult to understand it all.
Mom: No, it’s not because of you can’t do it all. It’s all because you have addicted with your laptop. I notice that you play your laptop all the time, everyday! 
Viana: But I like to be a good graphics designer mom. That’s why I use it all the time. 
Mom: I know that honey, but you must think of your school too 9) .... I don’t know what I have to tell to your father. For your punishment, you can only turn on your laptop for a couple hours in a day. It’s more than enough I think.
Viana: Mom, don’t do that, please. I promise I’ll manage my time between my study and my hobby. But please give me more time to access my laptop.
Mom: No, sweetie. Prove it first that you can manage your time or I’ll take your laptop. (10) ....
Viana: Ok, mom. I’m trying.
The option that is suitable to fill blank number 9 is ....
Complete the following dialogue below to answer number 8 – 10.
Mom: Viana, 8) ... How could you have bad scores almost in all subjects.
Viana: I’m sorry mom, I have tried. But it’s too difficult to understand it all.
Mom: No, it’s not because of you can’t do it all. It’s all because you have addicted with your laptop. I notice that you play your laptop all the time, everyday! 
Viana: But I like to be a good graphics designer mom. That’s why I use it all the time. 
Mom: I know that honey, but you must think of your school too 9) .... I don’t know what I have to tell to your father. For your punishment, you can only turn on your laptop for a couple hours in a day. It’s more than enough I think.
Viana: Mom, don’t do that, please. I promise I’ll manage my time between my study and my hobby. But please give me more time to access my laptop.
Mom: No, sweetie. Prove it first that you can manage your time or I’ll take your laptop. (10) ....
Viana: Ok, mom. I’m trying.
The option that is suitable to fill blank number 10 is ....

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