Contoh Soal Responding Properly to Expressions of Anger

Contoh Soal Responding Properly to Expressions of AngerIn our real life, we often see someone is getting angry to others. What if it happens to us? How will we respond? Will we respond it badly or appropriately? Or will we make him/her calm down to reduce his anger?
In this chapter, you are going to learn about responding properly to the expressions of anger. At the end of this topic, you are expected to be able to respond properly to expressions anger in various daily activities contexts.

Responding Expressions of Anger

We sometimes see somebody expresses his/her anger or annoyance when someone else is doing something badly. When someone becomes upset in front of us, we can respond by saying some proper expressions to make the situation better.
Look at the examples of responding expressing anger below:
  • Take it easy buddy. Don’t over react to him.
  • Calm down. Let’s go for walking to refresh our mind.
  • Relax, honey. I know you can solve this problem.
Other ways that can be used in responding someone’s anger to make the situations better are as follow:
  • Take it easy.
  • Calm down.
  • Relax.
  • Forget it.
  • I know how you must feel. But….
  • I know what you mean.
  • Amuse yourself in here.
  • You don’t have to do this.
  • etc.
On the other hand, sometimes we can’t control our emotion to hear someone’s anger. For instance, if our friend has bad-temper and just for a little problem, he has to use the rude words to us. In this condition, we’d better to avoid from the problem and not to respond what he is saying about. But if we can’t stand with him and we have to respond, we can respond it by the expressions of anger both politely and casually.

Do you understand?

Read carefully the following dialogue. You will learn how to put the expressions above in the real conversation.
Via : Hamka is so selfish! He never listens to other’s opinion. I know he is our leader. But he should listen to our opinion before decided it. 
Sani : Take it easy, Via. You know him well. Anyway, will you go with me for some window shopping? We can refresh our mind.
Via : That’s a good idea, Sani. It will be stressed if I’m still in here.
Sani : Ok, let’s go now.
In the dialog above, Sani responds to Vita’s anger by saying “take it easy” to make Via’s anger gone. Then she offers Vita to take a walk with her for some window shopping to refresh their mind.

Contoh Soal Responding Properly to Expressions of Anger

Arrange the jumbled words into a meaningful expression.
The best arrangement of the jumbled words below is ….
The expression to respond anger is ….
The best expression to complete the dialog is ….
The underlined expression is a kind of ….
The gambit in responding anger in the dialog above is ....
The situation is for number 6 and 7.
The best expression to complete the dialog is ….
In the dialog above Vina said, “blow my top”.
What does the meaning of the phrasal verb above?
For question number 8, arrange the dialog into a good order.
  1. Alif : Ok, but you tell her.
  2. Berta : What happens with you? Do you have a problem with her?
  3. Alif : All was running well at first. But she betrayed me. She told my secret to others. I’m so embarrassed, you know.
  4. Berta : Take it easy, Alif. You are close friends, right? Maybe it is just a misunderstanding. Let’s talk to her to clarify the truth.
  5. Alif : Don’t ask me about her. I don’t want to see her face anymore.
  6. Berta : Alif, did you see Renata?
The best arrangement of the dialog above is ….
For question number 8, arrange the dialog into a good order.
  1. Alif : Ok, but you tell her.
  2. Berta : What happens with you? Do you have a problem with her?
  3. Alif : All was running well at first. But she betrayed me. She told my secret to others. I’m so embarrassed, you know.
  4. Berta : Take it easy, Alif. You are close friends, right? Maybe it is just a misunderstanding. Let’s talk to her to clarify the truth.
  5. Alif : Don’t ask me about her. I don’t want to see her face anymore.
  6. Berta : Alif, did you see Renata?
The best arrangement of the dialog above is ….
The suitable answer to number 10 is ....

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