Contoh Soal Proper Response to Expressions of Promise and Deterrence

Contoh Soal Proper Response to Expressions of Promise and DeterrenceDo you still remember the expressions of promise and the expressions of deterrence? Before continuing to our new lesson, let us remember our previous lesson about expressions of promise and deterrence.

Expressions of Deterrence

Expressions of deterrence are expressions of giving advice to someone for not doing something. The following are expressions of deterrence:
  • I would not recommend ....
  • I would not advise ....
  • I do not / I don’t think you ought to ....
  • I do not / I don’t think you should ....
  • If I were in your position, I would not ....
  • I would not do that if I were you.
  • If I were you I would not ....
  • The way I see it, you should not / you should ....
The following are the example how you can use expression of deterrence:
  • I would not recommend you to come too late.
  • If I were in your position, I would not sign the contract.
  • I do not think you should come to his party, he did not invite you.

Expressions of Giving Promise

Expressions of giving promise are expression used when someone make promise to others. The following are the example of expressions of giving promise:
  • I promise I will pick you up on time.
  • I promise you that I will wake up earlier than yesterday.
  • I promise to serve dinner for us tonight.
  • I will call you tomorrow morning. It is a promise.
  • I will never cheat again. I give you my words on that.
  • I swear that I will not be noisy.
  • I will not eat junk food anymore, you have my word on it.
  • I assure you that I will return in next week.
  • Don’t worry, I will come tonight.
Now let’s learn to our new focus. We are going to learn about how you can respond the expressions of giving promise and deterrence.

Responding the expressions of deterrence.

Pay attention to the following dialogue:
Alin : I am going to face final exam next week, but Lily invited me to go camping on Sunday. I am confused. I really want to join the camping. If I go camping, though, I cannot learn for the final exam.
Vina : If I were in your position, I won’t accept the invitation. Final exam is much more important than going camping. You can go camping next time.
Alin : Yea. I agree with you. I will follow your advice. Thank you, Vina.
Vina : You are welcome, Alin.
Pay attention to the underlined sentence “I agree with you. I will follow your advice”, you can use that expression as a response of someone’s expressions of deterrence.

Responding the expressions of giving promise.

Pay attention to the following dialogue:
Ray : Diana, I am sorry I forgot to bring your math book today.
Diana : Actually, I want to learn it tonight, Ray.
Ray : Yes, I am really sorry. I promise you that I will come to your house this afternoon to return your math book.
Diana : Okay, I will wait for you this afternoon.
Pay attention to the underlined sentence “Okay, I will wait for you this afternoon”, you can use that expression as a response of someone’s expressions of giving promise.
The following are the expressions used to respond someone’s promise.
  • Thank you.
  • I believe in you.
  • Let me be convinced.
  • Okay.
  • Just let the time answer it.
  • I hope you can keep your promise.
  • I will wait for you.

Contoh Soal Proper Response to Expressions of Promise and Deterrence

Pay attention to the following dialogue and answer question number 1-3
Lia : Tari. I am sorry I can not join the pajamas party tomorrow night. I have to accompany my cousin to the dokter. She is sick.
Tari : It is okay, Tari, but promise me you will join the next pajamas party.
Lia : Yes. I will join the next pajamas party, it is a promise.
Tari : Sure, I will wait for you, Lia.
Choose the correct statement based on the text.
Pay attention to the following dialogue and answer question number 1-3
Lia : Tari. I am sorry I can not join the pajamas party tomorrow night. I have to accompany my cousin to the dokter. She is sick.
Tari : It is okay, Tari, but promise me you will join the next pajamas party.
Lia : Yes. I will join the next pajamas party, it is a promise.
Tari : Sure, I will wait for you, Lia.
From the dialogue, it is know that Tari’s response to Lia’s promise is....
The following are corect based on the dialogue above, EXCEPT....
Pay attention to the following dialogue and complete the blank space with correct choice.
Ali : I have just done an operation last month, the docter said that I should not follow sport subject, but tomorrow we will have basketball as the exam. What should I do?
Ara: I don’t think you should join the exam. You can come to the teacher and ask for an assignment to subtitute the exam. I am sure the teacher you will understand.
Ali: ....
If Ali gives good respond to Ara, the most appropriate answer to respond Ara’s expression of deterrence is....
Pay attention to the following dialogue and complete the blank space with correct choice.
A: I think I cannot practice volley ball this afternoon. I have to prepare for the exam tomorrow, but I promise, I will be back next week.
B: ....
The most appropriate answer to respond the promise is....
The following are the expressions to respond promise, EXCEPT....
Pay attention to the following dialogue.
Ria : I think I will not join fishing with you all
Ari : It is okay. We will bring some fishes for you if we get many fishes.
Ria : Do you promise me?
Ari : I promise you.
Ria : I will wait for you.
The underlined statement can be replaced by....
The following are expressions of giving promise, EXCEPT....
Read the following dialogue and complete the blank space.
*A : I am accepted in medicine major in a state university in Jakarta, I also get engineering major in one of state university in Bandung. I am confused, which major I should choose.
B : What is your passion?
A : I want to be an Engineer.
B : ....
The most appropriate answer to complete the dialogue is....
The following are the expressions of promise, EXCEPT....

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