Contoh Soal Identify relevance of information to a discussion or argument

Contoh Soal Identify relevance of information to a discussion or argument We gather and store information in our brains everyday. It's something that happens whether we take notice to it or not. It is easy to absorb most of what we hear or read, but it's important to be able to decipher what is actually necessary and relevant to the discussion or argument at hand. 

To make an informed decision, one must be able to identify, select, and then implement alternatives to come to a conclusion or decision. There are four criteria to determine this.

Accuracy - How accurate is the information? Accurate information represents validity and reliability. Can it be backed up and proven?

Completeness - The topic must comprehensively cover the issue. If information is missing or incomplete, the decision maker has a distorted view and therefore can not make an informed and complete decision.

Timely - Timely information is information that's available when it's needed the most. It doesn't do anyone any good if the information needed to complete a decision is received days later.

Relevance - We don't have time for unnecessary information. This can distort, confuse, and hinder any decision maker. Information is relevant if it's significance can be applied to the problem or situation at hand.

This criterion will assist your thought process when evaluating discussions or arguments. In this day and age we are overwhelmed with bundles of information, and we must make quick decisions to conclude it's relevance to the situation at hand. 

Contoh Soal Identify relevance of information to a discussion or argument

What does relevant information mean?

What were the four criterion mentioned in the lesson?

What does 'timely' information provide us with when making decisions?

Read the following passage and answer the question.

In 1998 NASA launched the Mars Climate
Orbiter. It was a robotic space probe launched on December 11, 1998
to study the climate on Mars as well as the atmosphere and surface
changes. There were more than 200 hundred NASA personnel working on
this project as well as millions of dollars poured into it's
research, development, and ultimate completion. On September 23, 1999
the space craft lost communication. This was due to the grounded
computer software using imperial units of measurements rather than
the agreed upon metric units. The spacecraft was at a dangerously low
altitude due to this discrepancy and thus incorrectly entered the
atmosphere and disintegrated.  

What is this scenario an example of?

Read the following passage and answer the question.

In 1998 NASA launched the Mars Climate Orbiter. It was a robotic space probe launched on December 11, 1998 to study the climate on Mars as well as the atmosphere and surface changes. There were more than 200 hundred NASA personnel working on this project as well as millions of dollars poured into it's research, development, and ultimate completion. On September 23, 1999 the space craft lost communication. This was due to the grounded computer software using imperial units of measurements rather than the agreed upon metric units. The spacecraft was at a dangerously low altitude due to this discrepancy and thus incorrectly entered the atmosphere and disintegrated. 

Which sentence is not relevant to the outcome detailed in the information? 

Use the following passage to answer the question:

Airline competitor scenario:

American Airlines flies from JFK airport in New York to Paris, France once daily. They have recently lowed their prices for this route. Airlines like to typically lower their prices to European countries because flights to these countries are the most popular international destination for US citizens.
Several other airlines fly this exact
route. They quickly receive information that AA has lowered their
price for this route. They follow and reduce their prices as well to
maintain a competitive price. If others don't lower their prices quickly to an
even playing field with AA they will lose more than just a bit of
money in the difference of cost in the flights. They will lose
business all together as most people will shop around for the best

Use the following passage to answer the question:

Airline competitor scenario:

American Airlines flies from JFK airport in New York to Paris, France once daily. They have recently lowed their prices for this route. Airlines like to typically lower their prices to European countries because flights to these countries are the most popular international destination for US citizens.
Several other airlines fly this exact route. They quickly receive information that AA has lowered their price for this route. They follow and reduce their prices as well to maintain a competitive price. If others don't lower their prices quickly to an even playing field with AA they will lose more than just a bit of money in the difference of cost in the flights. They will lose business all together as most people will shop around for the best price.

What information was not relevant?

Use the following argument for the last questions:

Everyone loves pets! Whether you a dog person or a cat person it's rare to find people who don't love these cute adorable balls of fur. In my opinion, if you really love your pet you will get them “fixed.” “Fixing” your pet is the term used when you get your pet spayed or neutered. It's a simple, quick and safe surgery that renders your pet unable to become a mother or father. Over the years this surgery has proven to be safe and effective, with virtually not risk at all. Over population of these animals have been a problem on the rise as many researches have found. We have an abundance of cat and dogs that are left homeless, hungry, abandoned or in a homeless shelter where they might be put to sleep because the home is too crowded. This is an unfortunate consequence for the animals if the owners don't fix their pet and let them run loose to procreate. Get your pet fixed today to avoid over population and detriment of these animals.


I disagree with the previous person's
stance. I think the surgery is unnecessary and expensive. I have a black labrador retriever and it's the best dog I have ever had. I don't
want my dog or cat to be put under for surgery when nothing is wrong
with them. I love my animals and I want their bodies to stay intact
and not be mutilated. It's a fact that these surgeries are risky and
often end up hurting the animal more, my friend told me they heard of
a dog who died when they went under for the surgery. This make me
sad. We don't have overpopulation of dogs and cats. Pets are
wonderful and you shouldn’t make them have surgery. Don't do it.

What is the main point of the passage?

Use the following argument for the last questions:

Everyone loves pets! Whether you a dog person or a cat person it's rare to find people who don't love these cute adorable balls of fur. In my opinion, if you really love your pet you will get them “fixed.” “Fixing” your pet is the term used when you get your pet spayed or neutered. It's a simple, quick and safe surgery that renders your pet unable to become a mother or father. Over the years this surgery has proven to be safe and effective, with virtually not risk at all. Over population of these animals have been a problem on the rise as many researches have found. We have an abundance of cat and dogs that are left homeless, hungry, abandoned or in a homeless shelter where they might be put to sleep because the home is too crowded. This is an unfortunate consequence for the animals if the owners don't fix their pet and let them run loose to procreate. Get your pet fixed today to avoid over population and detriment of these animals.


I disagree with the previous person's stance. I think the surgery is unnecessary and expensive. I have a black labrador retriever and it's the best dog I have ever had. I don't want my dog or cat to be put under for surgery when nothing is wrong with them. I love my animals and I want their bodies to stay intact and not be mutilated. It's a fact that these surgeries are risky and often end up hurting the animal more, my friend told me they heard of a dog who died when they went under for the surgery. This make me sad. We don't have overpopulation of dogs and cats. Pets are wonderful and you shouldn’t make them have surgery. Don't do it.

Which sentence was not relevant to the passage?

Use the following argument for the last questions:

Everyone loves pets! Whether you a dog person or a cat person it's rare to find people who don't love these cute adorable balls of fur. In my opinion, if you really love your pet you will get them “fixed.” “Fixing” your pet is the term used when you get your pet spayed or neutered. It's a simple, quick and safe surgery that renders your pet unable to become a mother or father. Over the years this surgery has proven to be safe and effective, with virtually not risk at all. Over population of these animals have been a problem on the rise as many researches have found. We have an abundance of cat and dogs that are left homeless, hungry, abandoned or in a homeless shelter where they might be put to sleep because the home is too crowded. This is an unfortunate consequence for the animals if the owners don't fix their pet and let them run loose to procreate. Get your pet fixed today to avoid over population and detriment of these animals.


I disagree with the previous person's stance. I think the surgery is unnecessary and expensive. I have a black labrador retriever and it's the best dog I have ever had. I don't want my dog or cat to be put under for surgery when nothing is wrong with them. I love my animals and I want their bodies to stay intact and not be mutilated. It's a fact that these surgeries are risky and often end up hurting the animal more, my friend told me they heard of a dog who died when they went under for the surgery. This make me sad. We don't have overpopulation of dogs and cats. Pets are wonderful and you shouldn’t make them have surgery. Don't do it.

What relevant information was missing from the argument?

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