Contoh Soal Listening , Monologue about Spoof Stories

Contoh Soal Listening , Monologue about Spoof Stories -

Having a reason to laugh is a good thing when you feel down. There is even a saying that laughter is a good medicine. What is the thing that could make you laugh? Is it your family? Is it someone special for you? Is it the embarrassing moment in your life? Is it funny memories? There are many things that could be your reason to laugh. One of the reasons is when you hear a funny story. In this lesson you will listen to funny stories called spoof.

Spoof is a type of text that has a twisted ending, thus make a funny story.

People love funny stories. They will laugh when they hear one. Therefore, the most crucial thing in funny stories is they should be able to make people laugh. You need to remember that a spoof text is written in order to amuse people with a funny story. If they do not laugh when hearing your spoof, then it means the story lost its purpose. 
The story could be related to a real experience or it could be completely imaginary. Listen to the example of a spoof text in the following.
First thing first, pay attention to the opening part of the story. This part will give you general description of what might happen in the story. Can you tell how the story begins?

It begins with the teacher handed out the paper to the students for the final test.

This part gives general description that the story is about what happened during the test. You can tell that the characters involved in the story are a teacher and students. This will help you to understand the next part of the story which is the event that happened. The next part is the series of events.

The event starts after the teacher handed out the paper. Since she only handed out the paper without the answer sheet, one of the students asked her about where the answer should be written. Instead of giving direct answer, the teacher answered the question with another question of where she thought it should be written.

The last part of the story which is called the twist. Since a spoof text is meant to be funny, the ending should be unpredictable. This part is what makes the story funny. It is also the part that makes a spoof text different from other types of text. According to the story, the twist is:

Another student answered without any hesitation that the answer should be written on the board.

In spoof, the thing that usually makes the story interesting is its unpredictable ending. You can see from what happened in the example above that the ending is twisted and unpredictable. The ending is a crucial part of spoof story.

Spoof consists of three important elements that should be included in the text. They are:
  • Orientation
    In this part, the story begins with the opening paragraph that sets the event. This part also leads to the next part of the story which is the series of events.
  • Series of Events
    This part will tell the readers the details of the story. It can be more than one paragraph.
  • Twist
    This part is the ending of the story. The ending of spoof text is usually unpredictable, that is why it is called ‘twist’. This is the part that makes the story funny. Spoof text does not need to be long as long as it includes the three elements that were mentioned before.

Do you understand?

Try to answer the question based on the story that you listened before (Story in the Example)
According to the story, the students are having ….
A. a test
B. a group work
C. a class
D. an individual task
E. a field trip
Answer and explanation:
In the story it was mentioned that “A teacher handed out the paper for a final test”. It is obvious that the event happened while the students are having a test.

Contoh Soal Listening , Monologue about Spoof Stories

Listen the following monologue to answer question number 1-10
You can download the audio first before answering.
The story tells us about ….
Listen the following monologue to answer question number 1-10
You can download the audio first before answering.
The one who is keen on growing the big trees is ….
Listen the following monologue to answer question number 1-10
You can download the audio first before answering.
The first day that Arlan arrived at his uncle’s place, he was ….
Listen the following monologue to answer question number 1-10
You can download the audio first before answering.
Arlan heard someone threw … at the house.
Listen the following monologue to answer question number 1-10
You can download the audio first before answering.
Arlan was surprised because ……
Listen the following monologue to answer question number 1-10
You can download the audio first before answering.
His aunt said, “…… threw stones at the house”
Listen the monologue to answer question number 1-10
What actually happened is …

“They hurl at our roof during the day because of the heat”

The word ‘they’ in the sentence above refers to …

‘They hurl at our roof during the day because of the heat’

The following words have the same meaning as ‘hurl’, except …
The twisted ending of the story is …

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